Ruminations of a peaceful mind, disturbed by the excruciatingly enhanced surround sound
A tap for every unreal, exaggerated conversation with a phony on-line 'friend'.
A stranger living in my lounge, brainwashing any remaining grey cells of the species that created this ultimately more intelligent machine.
The munch and crunch of the essential provisions bought with the scraped together pennies from under the not so suite.
Not toilet roll, bread or basic meals but luxuries that will pass through them in hours clogging the never flushed, sugar puffed toilet.
Who is going to miss the bog roll then?
The deadline to clean up for shelters sake missed, like the cleanliness I work to afford.
I earn to pay for a small piece of happiness not the Piece of Cak sat in the corner.
But hey, as long as the PC has a home, who cares about mine?
Wasted time, wasted money
Wasted brain cells
Waster, agitator
As worthless as chewed gum
Agitation – Photo taken by me of the Gum Wall. The Gum Wall is locatedin Pike Place Market in Seattle, Wa. The Pike Place Market PDA has givenpermission to use this photo for commercial use.
Mental Notes
PoetryI started to write poetry to get me through some difficult years as a teenager and young adult. Looking back, writing helped me through a period of depression, only recognized some years later. With writing, once the words hit the paper, they lost t...