hello second trimester

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'When do we need to leave? Like what is the latest time?' Beth asks glancing up at Vivianne as she sits on the bathroom floor with her back resting against the bathtub.

'In like five minutes, liefie...' Vivianne replies softly causing Beth to groan as she runs her hands over her face.

'Right, I'll be ready in two. Can you make sure the car is ready to go?' Beth asks and Vivianne nods her head.

'Of course... I'm assuming we're taking my car because I don't think you're really in any fit state to be driving, do you?' Vivianne asks and Beth shakes her head before covering her mouth as another wave of nausea hits her.

'I'll be out in a few.' Beth says and Vivianne nods her head. Leaving the bathroom, she makes her way out to the car ensuring she's taken Beth's maternity notes and also the lovely sick bucket that has became a huge part of their lives over the past six weeks. Unlocking the car, she turns on the engine and sets the bucket by the passenger seat as she sees Beth slowly making her way out of the house. She watches as she locks the front door behind her before making her way over to the car.

'Let me know if we need to stop, okay?' Vivianne says as the blonde gets into the car and fastens her seatbelt before setting the bucket on her knee.

'Remember when I said I'd happy carry all the babies if you didn't want to carry? I take it back. I don't think I can do this again.' Beth admits shaking her head.

'Oh, liefie...' Vivianne says softly as she reaches over to rest her hand on Beth's thigh.

'I know it's going to be worth it in the end and I don't for a minute regret any of this but it's just so fucking hard.' Beth moans, her head resting against the car window as Vivianne begins to drive.

'I'm sorry, liefie.' Vivianne says.


Tears stream down her cheeks as she sits in the passenger seat waiting on Vivianne to get back in the car after paying their parking. It's only a few minutes until the car door opens and Vivianne gets into the driver's seat.

'Oh, liefie...' Vivianne says softly as she instantly reaches for the blonde's hand.

'I-I'm okay. I just- That makes it all worth it. Seeing our little baby on that screen just wriggling around.' Beth says and Vivianne nods her head.

'I know this is far from easy for you but you're doing amazing, liefie.' Vivianne replies gently squeezing her hand as they both look down at the ultrasound pictures in Beth's hand. Their twelve week scan, although she's actually thirteen weeks now, had gone extremely well with the sonographer confirming that their baby was growing exactly as expected and that there was no worries or concerns.

'Will I just drop you home on the way to training?' Vivianne asks gently wiping Beth's cheeks.

'No, I'll just come with you... It feels like ages since I've seen some of the girls.' Beth replies.

'You sure?' Vivianne asks and Beth nods her head.

'Positive... Going home isn't going to make me feel less sick.' Beth replies and Vivianne smiles slightly.

'I suppose. Do you need to pick anything up on the way there then?' Vivianne asks and Beth shakes her head.

'No, I'm good.' Beth replies smiling. She gently squeezes Vivianne's hand before they begin the drive to London Colney.


'Beth, I wasn't expecting you today... How are you feeling?' Jonas asks smiling as he spots the blonde making her way towards him.

'I'm good. I'm not here to train, I still can't really keep much food down so I can't be burning off extra calories.' Beth explains and Jonas nods his head.

'Completely understandable. Well I think Steph is through in the gym doing some light training if you want to go steal her for a chat.' Jonas says as the rest of the girls are making their way out to the pitches.

'I don't want to distract her.' Beth replies shaking her head.

'I'm giving you permission to go distract Steph...' Jonas says raising his eyebrows at the blonde who nods her head.

'Okay... Thanks, I guess.' Beth replies. She watches Jonas follow the rest of the girls before she makes her way into the gym where Steph is lying on a mat on the floor.

'Jonas told me to come distract you...' Beth says watching the other woman instantly push herself into a sitting position.

'Beffy...' Steph squeals standing up and wrapping her arms around the blonde.

'What's going on? Why aren't you training with the girls? Are you injured? Viv never said anything to me about you getting injured.' Beth says shaking her head.

'I'm not injured, Beth.' Steph replies.

'Then why aren't you training with the girls? Jonas said something about doing light training?' Beth asks and Steph nods her head.

'Let's just say you've got a buddy for the next six months.' Steph says softly as she pulls back slightly and rests her hand on her stomach.

'No...' Beth says shaking her head as she covers her mouth with her hand.

'It's still early. I only found out like last week but I think I might be around six weeks. That's the reason I'm not in full training now.' Steph explains and Beth instantly throws her arms back around her.

'This is amazing.' Beth says and Steph nods her head.

'I can't believe I get to go through it with you.' Steph replies smiling.


'How did your scan go this morning?' Leah asks as they all sit out on the pitches.

'It was good, really good actually.' Vivianne replies smiling as she runs her fingers through Beth's hair as the blonde's head rests on her legs.

'The pictures are in my bag if you want to grab them.' Beth says waving her hand in the direction of her bag. Smiling Leah makes her way over to the bag and pulls out the envelope of ultrasound pictures.

'My god it's like an actual little baby now, isn't it?' Leah says smiling.

'Mm... Crazy how much it's grown.' Beth replies smiling as she closes her eyes.

'How are you feeling?' Alessia asks.

'Shitty... I literally travel with a sick bucket these days.' Beth admits shaking her head.

'At least it's a pretty sick bucket.' Kyra says causing the blonde to laugh.

'Suppose there is that.' Beth replies.

'When are you going to announce it?' Lia asks and Beth shrugs her shoulders.

'We haven't really spoke about that, have we? I had assumed as soon as we made it to the second trimester but I also quite like having it as our little thing, you know?' Beth replies and Vivianne nods her head.

'We've still got time before anyone will pick up on it. Everyone still just thinks you've picked up some mystery imjury.' Vivianne says causing Steph to laugh.

'Fans are going to think we're at it... First it was Leah taking some time out for personal reasons, then you're out with a mystery injury and now I'm gonna be out as well. They'll think we all just want a break.' Steph says and Beth nods her head.

'Or else we're all just weak and injury prone.' Beth replies smiling.


'What do you fancy for dinner?' Vivianne asks making her way into the living room where Beth is curled up on the sofa with Myle on her chest.

'Do you know what I really fancy?' Beth says causing Vivianne to raise her eyebrows.

'What?' Vivianne asks.

'A nice big Chinese...' Beth replies causing Vivianne to smile.

'Yeah? Let me grab my phone and we can look at the menu.' Vivianne says.

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