return to training

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'I don't want to leave you both.' Vivianne says quietly as she stands at the foot of the bed watching Beth cradle Piper in her arms.

'You won't be gone for long, liefie... What is it? Five hours today? We'll be right here waiting when you get home.' Beth replies smiling as she watches Vivianne drop her bag before she makes her way round to the side of the bed.

'I'm going to miss you both so much.' Vivianne says leaning down to softly kisses the top of Piper's head then repeating the action with Beth.

'And we're going to miss you but we need you get back into training so that Piper can come watch her mummy play soon.' Beth says reaching for Vivianne's hand and gently squeezing it.

'Ik houd van jou.' Vivianne says softly and Beth nods her head.

'Ik houd van jou.' Beth replies smiling.

'Now go before you're late.' Beth says and Vivianne nods her head.

'I'm going.' Vivianne replies biting her bottom lip before letting out a small sigh. She turns and makes her way back to the foot of the bed where she picks up her bag and slowly leaves the room.

'Just me and you now, Piper.' Beth says softly as she glances down at Piper in her arms.

'Oh and you, Myle... I promise I'm not forgetting you.' Beth adds as the dog snuggles further into her legs causing her to smile. Glancing over at her phone, she smiles slightly as the time flashes 7:23am.

'Okay, sweet girlies... Why don't we all go back to sleep for an hour and then we can get ready for the day?' Beth says. Slowly, she keeps one hand cradled around Piper and uses the other to push herself into a more upright position before moving to place Piper in her bedside crib.


Making her way into the locker rooms, Vivianne drops her bag by her bench and sighs.

'Someone doesn't seem very happy to be back.' A voice says from behind her causing her to groan.

'I am, I promise... I just-' Vivianne replies shaking her head as she turns around coming face to face with the Irish-woman.

'I'm kidding... I can't even imagine how hard it must be to leave them, Viv.' Katie says softly as she wraps her arms around her. Instantly Vivianne feels her body relax into Katie's arms as her head drops to rest on her shoulder.

'All of this is so much harder than I ever anticipated.' Vivianne admits feeling tears filling her eyes.

'What do you mean?' Katie asks softly.

'It's stupid.' Vivianne replies shaking her head causing Katie to pull away slightly.

'It's never stupid if it's making you upset, Viv. What's going on? Has something happened between you and Beth?' Katie asks.

'No, no... I just- I love Beth and I love Piper with everything I am but sometimes I just don't know what I'm doing. I know it's completely natural for her to be more attached to Beth because she just grew her for 9 months but I just- Sometimes I feel like she hates me.' Vivianne admits, the last sentence coming out as a whisper.

'Oh, Viv... Piper absolutely does not hate you.' Katie says.

'I can never settle her, Katie. I always need to give her to Beth to settle and then she'll settle instantly I just- I feel like she's Beth's kid and I'm just visiting.' Vivianne replies.

'Have you spoke to Beth about this?' Katie asks and Vivianne shakes her head.

'I can't. How can I tell her that I'm jealous of the bond she has with our baby?' Vivianne says quietly.

'Well you're not jealous. I guess you're just struggling to adjust.' Katie replies and Vivianne sighs.

'Let's get out to training...' Vivianne says hugging Katie before letting go of her.


Beth - How's Le's surgery going? Give her all our love 💜 xx

Wally - It went well. She's currently in recovery out of her face on anaesthetic. She's saying the funniest stuff. I've got videos to show you guys later. She said she wants to have my babies, then explained that we couldn't quite do it like other couples x

Beth - I bet she is! I remember Al's videos after she had her ACL surgery. Hope you guys are okay and I'll see you both soon xx

Placing her phone down on the table, Beth makes her way over to the moses basket as Piper begins to whimper slightly.

'What are you fussing at; you've got a clean bum and a full belly...' Beth says softly as she reaches down and gently rocks the moses basket.

'Okay, right come on then.' Beth says reaching in and lifting Piper into her arms as she begins to whine louder.

'I've got you... Mumma's got you.' Beth whispers as she gently sways back and forth in an attempt to settle the infant.


'Only me.' Vivianne says as she makes her way into the house. The sound of Piper fussing causes her to drop her bag by the door as she instantly makes her way through to the living room.

'Oh, liefie... What's going on? What's happened?' Vivianne asks as she sees Beth standing with Piper cradled against her chest; the little girl is fussing while tears stream down Beth's cheeks.

'S-She just won't stop. I don't know what to do. She's been fed, she's been changed.' Beth replies shaking her head.

'Here, let me try.' Vivianna says softly as she makes her way over to Beth. Sighing, Beth passes the infant over to Vivianne who cradles her against her chest and sways slightly. Tears immediately fill the blonde's eyes as she watches Piper settle in Vivianne's arms.

'I'm going for a lie down.' Beth mumbles turning and leaving the room causing Vivianne to sigh. She spents a few minutes ensuring Piper is fully settled before making her way upstairs where she finds Beth curled up in bed under the duvet. Silently she places Piper in her crib before climbing into bed behind Beth and wrapping her arms around her tightly.

'She was just overtired, liefie.' Vivianne says softly as she hears Beth sniffle.

'It's hard when she won't settle for you but immediately settles when you hand her over to someone else... I know it is. Katie and I were just talking today about how this is something I was struggling with.' Vivianne admits causing Beth to turn around to face her.

'W-What do you mean?' Beth asks.

'She never settles for me, liefie. I always have to give her to you for her to settle and then you give her back to me... Sometimes it can feel like she hates me so I get how hard that must have been for you and I'm sorry I wasn't here.' Vivianne replies kissing the top of Beth's head.

'I-Uh-I didn't realise.' Beth admits shaking her head.

'It's okay. This is still all new to us and we'll work through stuff together, okay?' Vivianne says and Beth nods her head.

'Together.' Beth replies.


'Do we know how Leah got on today? Have we heard?' Vivianne asks as she uses her foot to gently rock the moses basket.

'Mm-hmm... She's home. Wally says surgery went well. Le was out of it coming out of the anaesthetic, apparently was telling everyone who listened that she wanted to have Wally's babies... I said I'd pop up in the next few days once she's settled.' Beth replies causing Vivianne to smile.

'Nothing like a bit of anaesthetic to bring the truth out.' Vivianne says smiling.

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