when three becomes four

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'And isn't it just so pretty to think all along there was some invisible string, tying you to me.'

The music plays softly in the background as Beth stares down at the newborn curled up against her chest. It's been a little over six hours since their newest baby girl made her arrival into the world and as she glances at Vivianne who's curled up on the chair by the window while they wait on Kim bringing Piper to the hospital, her heart couldn't feel more full.

'You okay, liefje? Do you want me to take her?' Vivianne asks looking up at the blonde with a small smile on her face.

'Mm... I'm just so happy.' Beth admits.

'She's absolutely perfect, isn't she?' Vivianne says and Beth nods her head as she runs her hand over the baby's fluffy hair.

'She looks so much like Piper did when she was little.' Beth replies.

'Kim said she should be here in 10 minutes so I'll go downstairs and meet them if you're okay here?' Vivianne asks and Beth nods her head.

'Mm-hmm... I can't wait to see Piper with her. Remember and tell Kim she can come up as well, I don't want her thinking she has to wait to meet her.' Beth says.

'I will, I promise. I'll be back soon.' Vivianne replies smiling. She kisses the top of Beth's head before quietly making her way out of the room leaving Beth alone with the newborn.

'Are you ready for the craziness that is your big sister? She's sassy and full of beans but she's going to absolutely love you. I'm goinf to pop you in your bed before she comes in so I can have a cuddle with her before we introduce you to each other, okay?' Beth says softly as she smiles down at the baby. She's spent weeks reading up on different tips and tricks on how is best to introduce a new baby to their sibling and there have been so many different suggestions on the best way to do it. She's made the decision not to have the baby in her arms when Piper comes in though, partly because she doesn't want the little girl to be jealous and partly because she just really wants to be able to properly cuddle her eldest.


'Mumma!' Piper squeals as Vivianne leads her into the hospital room followed by Kim.

'Hi, baby girl... I've missed you so much, Piper.' Beth says smiling as Vivianne helps ths toddler onto the bed beside the blonde.

'Missed you mumma.' Piper replies cuddling into the blonde who kisses the top of her head.

'I bet you've had loads of fun with Auntie Kimmy, haven't you?' Beth says and Piper nods her head.

'Auntie Lele poorly.' Piper says causing the blonde to glance up at the Scot who nods her head.

'Endo flare up.' Kim replies softly.

'Oh she'll be better soon, you know Auntie Le gets poorly sometimes for a few days but she'll be okay... Do you want to meet your baby sister?' Beth asks smiling as Piper nods her head. Smiling, Vivianne pushes the plastic crib closer to the bed and Beth supports Piper to stand up and glance into the crib.

'She sleeping.' Piper says and Beth nods her head.

'She's very sleepy because she's only a baby but as she gets bigger she'll be awake more. Will we introduce her to your Auntie Kimmy?' Beth asks and Piper grins.

'Look Auntie Kimmy!' Piper squeals.

'Oh she's gorgeous... She looks like you did when you were little.' Kim says smiling as she gazes at the baby in the crib.

'Vivi and I were saying that... She's Piper's double.' Beth replies.


'Hey, you... How are you doing?' Lia asks smiling at the blonde through the phone screen.

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