21 🐾 Selfless Soul

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Gypsy could still see, but the pool of blood beneath her was sticky and wet. Her paws slipped in it as she realized she could not get up; and her neck would not move even a hairsbreadth.

The sky now had pure white, poofy clouds above. A gentle breeze tugged on the wind as the short-clipped grass close by bustled with city life. It was ironic, as if nothing had changed for anyone else- only for her.

Is this how North felt, right before she died beneath the stars? The pain was unbearable. One of her forelegs was folded in on itself three times beneath her, irreparable and forever useless.

And the loudest thing she could hear was her own ragged breathing.

She tried to look over at Finn, but her head was still facing towards the road. Her back limbs were splayed out in awkward angles behind her, as the thudding pulse in her brain began to numb. Was it her blood spilling out? Or was she just growing used to this agony already?

"Oh my God, Gypsy. Oh my.... I'm so sorry." Ghost spoke into her ears as she saw his blurry figure come into view in front of her. Cars still sped by, some of them charging right through Ghost's figure.

But the man didn't react. His faintly glowing outline just shimmered, without getting destroyed.

He looked down at Gypsy with his eyes full of pity, and sparkling tears began to fall from his face.

"I didn't know. I wasn't shown this. This... It wasn't in my visions!" The husk of a man screamed, and it pounded against Gypsy's eardrums. But she was the only one who heard it.

I can't speak, the female realized as her throat muscles gave no response to her cues. Her eyes had a sheen of red over them, as if they too were filled with blood.

She wondered if her back was broken, as the moments stretched on.

I just wanted that little boy, and Finn to be safe. Where is he? Can he see me now? The white Pitbull thought. She didn't attempt to stand, knowing it would only be a lost cause. Knowing it would only lead to more pain.

But then, young Gypsy's heart began to pound with fear at the thought of her son seeing her broken, dying body. She recalled the bites North had given her yesterday, along with Bronx dislocating her back leg.

And now this. Oh, no... Her chest filled with dread. I hope Ace and Finn don't find me. How far away did I land?

The ghostly man seemed to hear her innermost thoughts, and looked over her with a deep, upsetting frown. Then, some of the worry faded from his eyes.

"He's waiting on you to get up. He's just standing on the grass divider where you left him, watching us."

Her heart seized and brought back some of the pain. Her legs twitched as she fought back convulsions of nausea against the inability to speak.

There's something wrong with my lungs... or ribs. Are they crushed too?

I'm dying, Ghost. You have to go. Hurry- you have to tell Ace to bring Finn to the shelter door, or inside it. Have a human take him in, she pleaded as her brain began to have a pressing, tired feeling.

Tell Ace what's happened, and leave me and North. There's nothing you can do now but save Finn.

It took all of her last remaining strength as Ghost looked at her with sympathy and pride, then shook his head with a choking sob. He blinked rapidly, rearing his head back as if suddenly having another vision. His hat fell off behind him as it happened, the man's pupils dilating at he watched something that Gypsy could not see.

Her own eyes somehow welled with tears, too, as she fought to hold on. She was still on the ground, and could not lift her head. Her limb-bones were shattered into pieces, broken beyond repair. One lung had collapsed, as the young she-dog lay there with clattering breaths.

"Oh, my word Gypsy. I could've never met a braver, more selfless soul than you. And..." His eyes were red, stinging with emotion as he forced them open to look down at the lost Pitbull.

"I realized why I am here. Finally. We finally know!" He leaned forward with shaking arms and stroked her, gasping as he cried for Gypsy.

"It's because that little boy you saved is my son. I'm his father. I've passed away, and that stunning woman was my fiance." He gave a crooked, yet anguished smile as he looked over at the child's mother in heels. She had left her dropped cell phone on the concrete, and was clinging onto her little boy as she shakily looked over at Gypsy.

The two did not see Ghost from their place on the sidewalk; could not see him.

And yet, the Ghost- his name Kenny, chose to believe that his wife had seen the dog's heroic act. And that's why she was now crying and looking over at Gypsy's bloody body.

Of course, Gypsy could not see the woman. She could not feel Kenny's fingers stroking her stiff pelt as she let out her last words, her last thoughts, into the ghost's mind.

That's amazing, Ghost. You're going to save my child, after I saved yours. Now... Hurry. Go tell Ace, my friend. It's up to you and him now.

"I will." She heard the man sob, as he told her his name in barely a hush of a whisper, with shaking breaths.

"I found out my name. It's Kenny Harmon, and I am forty-two years old. I died six months ago from heart failure." He tried to continue, but choked and then gasped out;
"It was God all along, Gypsy. He sent me here to be with you, to comfort you through your birth and Bronx's betrayal and your death. From the very first day, I was meant to save your lives from the shelter euthanasia as well. And I- I'm so honored that I did. Thank you for saving my son, so my wife doesn't have to see both of us die!" He yelled before emotions could swell his throat shut once again.

Then, the man squeezed both eyes shut with tears rolling from them.

"I hope I see you again one day."

Within the next few minutes, she felt that Kenny's presence had gone. The daylight strengthened, as Gypsy's vision and sense of reality grew worse.

We figured it out, Ghost. Said the she-dog through the haze, without knowing if her lips were even moving or not. We got the answers we've been seeking.

She didn't know if Kenny could still hear her. If he did, he didn't respond. Either way, she hoped he was too busy talking to Ace.

Eventually, she heard people approaching and gasping, or even just making a wide avoidance of her in the haste to get away from such an ugly, broken and bleeding dog.

She didn't mind. Not did she care. As the she-dog finally took her last breath she heard the sound of Ace's paws brushing grass as he approached.

I can let go now. My last puppy is safe. Thank you, Ace. Thank you, Ghost. I will always love you both. And Finn...

The tears slipped out faster as the world turned dark. But they weren't sad, they were happy. I hope you know I did all I could for you and my other pups.


Gypsy 🐾

Gypsy 🐾

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