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Birdsong flitted softly through the den entrance as Gypsy awoke. There was a feathery tail near her head and she whisked it away, pushing past Bronx and out of the hole.

It was cloudy outside, a grey gloom covering the dog's forest home. The young dog thought about where she'd find food today, but then a flicker of movement caught her eye.

North's puppies were practically flying around the tightly packed trees as she watched. The three fluffy, curly pelts were all assortments of colors. Their ears flopped around their heads as they sprinted.

One was brown as tree bark and smaller than the others. He lagged behind, but still pumped his little puppy paws in a valiant effort to keep up. Gypsy was impressed.

As she peered at the second puppy, a mottled brown-and-black male with spotted fur, she heard the sound of claws against earth.

North was backing out of her sleep-hole, and scolding the puppies for acting so hyper.

"Lavender, Timber- stop chasing your brother! Calm down."

She then gave an appaled glance over at Gypsy. Defensively, she almost said What? Bronx said I could share his den last night... it's not like I asked!

But then her fur grew hot. If those two were mates, she felt she had definitely done something wrong. However, wasn't it Bronx who was in the wrong for initiating that?

Bronx had been friendly and generous. He hadn't touched or woken her as she'd slept. She was already beginning to trust him. But.. now there was a problem.

"Bronx!" Gypsy called, her voice tinged with the hint of an attitude.

"Is North your mate? Are these your pups?" She pinned her gaze on the male and spoke loud enough for North to hear.

I should've asked that yeserday. But we were enjoying each other's company so much... The clouds drifted lazily above, barely visible because of the tree's thick canopy.

Gypsy almost wondered if he hadn't awoken. Then she heard his paws stepping confidently through the exit tunnel. He was immediately bombarded by the puppies. He shoved the two male pups roughly out of his way, and gently pushed back the female with a delicate paw as he headed towards her.

"No. I didn't father them." He laid his tail across Gypsy's shoulders, starting to lead her away. "We'll be back, little Lavender." He cooed down at the black-and-white female pup, but seemingly disregarded the two other pups.

Gypsy was impulsively looking back at North to see her reaction. She'd be able to tell if Bronx was lying based off of that.

Strangely, North's eyes were dark... but not with anger, rage or putrifying jealousy. Instead she just looked... drastic. Like she knew something.

Gypsy was a girl dog, and she knew girls could talk with their eyes. What's North trying to tell me?

"What is it, North?" The white Pitbull stopped walking with Bronx and whipped around towards her. The tall, curly-furred North was slowly padding towards her puppies. But then she just stopped, seemingly calmed down.

Her dire look had all but vanished.

"Nothing," she laughed, which the white Pitbull also thought was strange. What a weirdo. She was trying to freak me out for nothing.

Gypsy shook off the false suspense and began to listen as Bronx bent his head towards her.

"I know, right? She's an oddball. But, that's what I do." He sighed self-righteously. "I take in any abandoned, hungry or lonely dogs that wander my way. My father taught me to do it. He died long ago, but-" the huge male looked away, realizing he'd been rambling. "Sorry," he coughed awkwardly.

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