24 Ace Pt.2🐾 Retribution

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Ace flung his front paws out, thrusting them against the male's shoulders as he opened his mouth wide, teeth flashing. Bronx turned his head at exactly the right moment to catch the blow on his jaw instead, and Ace snarled with delight as he heard something snap off of it.

The bite hadn't sunk in, but it had thrusted his teeth against Bronx's face with the force of a rocket.

Probably lost a tooth. Good! That's what you deserve, vile theif.

Bronx's immediate impulse was to bite back. He'd been taken by surprise, but still had quite a quick response. The huge dog's mouth flicked open as he snapped his teeth right over Ace's muzzle.

And yet, they didn't sink in. They merely grazed him. Even Ace was confused, and stepped back in defense of himself- wondering how he'd missed the bite.

"I'I'm-mungung. Hom dif con do fat-..." Bronx trailed off into silence as he heard his own words.

Ace just stared, alarmed.

I broke his jaw...?

Bronx could no longer speak audibly. For a moment, he felt bad- and nervous waves of guilt pulsated throughout him, all the way to his paws and ears- causing them to grow uncomfortably hot.

Then Ace shook himself. He hardened his eyes, black neck-fur rising until it was spiky and tufted. Dropping his head, the male stepped forward and glared down Bronx's muzzle.

"That's just what you deserve."

Ace thrust his chest against the guardian dog's, somehow forcing the huge male to the ground. Bronx kicked him off, though, sending the husky flying several feet away. The husky almost helped as his hip landed on a sharp rock.

Then the lighter cream-and-black dog got up and came flying back, much to his adversaries amazement.

With a snarl, he knocked the brawny male back onto the ground. Bronx lay there, his legs splayed and his eyes wild as he panted with his mouth hung open uselessly.

"Keep fighting then, Bronx!" Ace growled deep in the pit of his stomach, eyes wild with the glint of revenge.

"See where it gets you," he spat with ragged breaths, locking eyes with the fearing and recoiling Bronx. "You want to die, I suppose? Is that it?

Just like your precious North and Gypsy did." Then, Ace laughed in his face. Laughed right at his own joke. Bronx's eyes widened, and he looked appalled, then despondent. But Ace was carrying on.

"Oh right, Gypsy was never anything special to you." The husky's gaze was hard as flint. It widened as he showed his teeth and further condemned the damned male dog.

"She was a pawn in your game. A tool, something to use." After that, Ace wiped the crossness off his face. He let his gaze slide cooly to the side, off of Bronx's.

Then he jerked forward in an explosion of contained energy, seizing the male's furry throat with his parted jaws. Ace tore and ripped at the male's scruff until fur and flesh ripped out. His head jerked violently to and fro in the attempt to do more damage, as Bronx squealed and cringed away.

His chest was heaving after he stopped. He felt his shoulders fall loose, and took a step back, realizing that-... Oddly enough, the male hadn't bitten him back.

Oh, right. He can't. Ace twitched the thought away like a fly off of his ear.

Serves him right. Maybe he won't be killing so many puppies from here on out.

The male-dog curled his fluffy tail over his back, hackles risen and causing him to look twice his size. With bloody jaws, Ace still looked minacious. But Bronx only cowered on the ground, paws pulled into himself with submission.

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