6 🐾 Lake Trip

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Obelisk had been cheery company on the short walk to the Lake. As he leaned on her shoulder, though, he also made gruff jokes that Gypsy sometimes misplaced.

Once, he'd said "Wouldn't I be let down, if I was a she-dog walking alongside someone as ugly as me!"

Gypsy had uncertainly attempted to reassure him, but he'd shook his head.

"I'm just joking, hon." He said in a southern sort of old man way. She wagged her long, thin tail happily. But the old dog's tone had dropped to a soft, serious one now.

"Thank you for feeding me today. And for taking me to the lake. I hardly walk," he admitted grudgingly as Gypsy supported the male along the evening-lit path. There was a harsh orange hue blanketing the forest, but Gypsy figured they had at least an hour left before dark.

She felt her chest seize with pity for the old brown dog. He felt nearly as light as a feather against her shoulder, and wobbled on incredibly thin legs.

"You know, I hope you have someone to take care of you when you're this old. You've got a good heart, Gypsy. I might a've only known ya a day but I can tell ya got more love then most. And I know it's because of somebody takin it from ya in the past," he murmured along the end and cast a knowing look her way.

The quant old dog's head was so close to her's that they mingled breaths. Gypsys tail quivered with the senior's wisdom and observation.

"Thank you, that's very kind. I-... Nobody's ever said anything so nice about me before." She wagged her tail and tried to make a joke like his.

"And hey, you're not that old! You're middle-aged and spry," the she-dog giggled. "Or at least, you will be after I fatten you up." Young Gypsy smiled, her white pelt shining as they burst out of the trees and onto the lake shore.

Even Obelisk's dusty pelt was tipped-orange under the fiery sun. The clouds had parted to expose its full warmth, as both dogs glimpsed the pebbly shore below.

The slope was a shallow incline; but the female still made her way slowly down it next to Obelisk. He slipped once and fell against her legs, but Gypsy kept moving after he stood up again, unbothered.

The weather was too good to even think about being impatient or "too slow." With fragile care, she led the male into the water.

Both the lake's pebbles and it's waves reflected the sky's wash of brilliant orange and yellows. Poofy clouds strutted discreetly across the horizon, some distant and hazy.

She turned to the old brown dog and nosed a few droplets of water over his back. He, too, had been watching the sunset. But his pelt was still twitching with the flea bites.

"Hey, hey!!!" Chimed the old male.

"Ya didn't say you brought me here to drown me, Gypsy! Get a move on!" He burst into laughter at the end of his sentence. Gypsy's eyes shone with amusement as she flicked more gobs of water against his back.

Then the male sputtered and snorted as if he'd inhaled water. Gypsy ran forwards to inspect but he was already gasping, "Heart attack!" And falling into the water dramatically.

His chest hit the shallow waves at the edge of the lake with a smack as she gasped with laughter. The she-dog could hardly catch her breath, and was sopping wet under the beating sun. Waves rolled against her flanks.

Obelisk loosened his shoulders, then dunked completely under the water and rose again with a head-flick. He then shook the leftover moisture out of his body, retreating a few steps out of the lake so it only reached his ankles.

Gypsy contentedly followed him after dunking her own dusty pelt in the lake as well. She shook it off, spraying water onto the male.

He glanced at her with friendliness.

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