Chapter one II half gated people

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Once upon a time a big explosion gave birth to the universe. A universe filled with everything who was needed to create all  the stars we have today. Those stars hated to be alone and so they just started to hang around together and they made huge groups of stars. And we call to those huge groups of stars galaxys.   

Well stars were giving to life by that huge explosion called big bang. And they live almost as much as vampires do. Some were born first than the others which makes some stars older than other stars and well it gets to a point where all of the atoms that compound those stars start to feel tired and they start to produce other dangerous atoms and those dangerous atoms represent the dead of those older stars.   

Some stars explode when they die and they are reduced to dust. And once, in this particular galaxy called milky way, a star was reduced to dust. And death took over her like it did with so many other stars, and everyone in that galaxy was sad until something happened.  

They say when someone dies someone else is giving to life and that, my lovely readers, was what happened in this galaxy. From the dust of that star who died a nebular was born. And the gas accretion gave birth to the sun and all of the planets in the solar system.  

There are eight planets in the solar system. Four of them make the group of the terrestrial planets and their names are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. The other four are called the gas giants and their names are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. And then we have Pluto but Pluto isn't a planet anymore. He is just considered a dwarf planet.  

So in eight planets, one dwarf planet, one asteroid belt and four hundred and forty two natural satellites, earth was the chosen planet. Yeah earth was the chosen planet for being the mother and the father of the life has we know today. Life that started with small creatures and evolved to bigger things. First to sea species, then to plants, after that to dinosaurs who are also known as the first reptiles to touch earth and then finally, after the dinosaurs where extinct, the mammals started to dominate earth.  

After thousands of years mammals were still dominating but they also lived in reunion with reptiles, fishes and birds. Everything was fine and the harmony was everywhere to be felt. Until one day, there was a mutation in some ancestral mammal embryo that gave life to this particular species of mammals.  

 They were so special, pretty special all because their brain was able to do something any other animal could do. They were able to think. And with the years passing they evolved more and became selfish pieces of carbon that once belong to the star who died to give life to us.

Well those arrogant mammals who believe to be the kings of the world are also non as human beings. That's us everyone, we all are humans beings. Stupid, arrogant and selfish pieces of carbon who name themselves ''The greatest''. Well they aren't but I have to admit there is something about them that fascinates me and that thing happens to be their brain.

Our brain commands everything. Our moves, our words, our actions and the best part of it is the brain let us think we are the ones who are commanding when in fact we aren't. Well our brain also commands emotions and that's the part of humans that I like the most.Emotions are the reason why I fell happy for those mutant mammals that were in the origin of all of this.  

Love is the main emotion and it is devided in two big sections, sadness and happiness. Let's picture our emotions this way: love is a huge house with four walls, one floor, one gate and no doors, we are locked inside the house an we can not get out because there are no way out. The house has two sides, the dark one and the bright one. The gate separates the dark side from the bright side. 

People can be locked in their emotional house in four different ways. They can be locked in the dark side, the gate is closed and they are deep depressed. They can be locked in the bright side, the gate is closed and they are deep happy. They can be only locked in the house, the gate is open and they are balanced, they have their emotions controlled and they are happy people and sad people at the same time. Almost everyone is in the third case which is great. And then we have the forth case, and that's me.

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