Chapter 8 || Flying away

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(I am sorry for the lack of updating lately | Song: photograph by Ed Sheeran)

After two long and intensive weeks of packing and preparing we were finally ready to fly to our first destination, England. 

I don't know if it was faith, bad planning or just the universe that decided that I would be paired up with Calum. It's not like I hate Calum or vice versa it's just we don't get along that well anymore and somehow that makes me a little bit sad. 

I met Calum on my freshman's year on Sydney high. Before I even had the chance to create a bound with the rest of the guys my attention got stuck on Calum. We had most of our classes together and he was pretty funny besides he was also really outgoing which dragged me more to him. Within a few months we were great friends and I loved to be friends with Calum and I think he loved to be friends with me to. Even  Luke thought it was rather odd for the both of us to be so close. But for us it was nothing rather then just the start of a good friendship that would have no end. 

Until one night we went to a party. The first we ever went together. The five of us were there. Ashton was best friend's with the host and he got us all in. The night was going well until we started to play never have I ever. I don't remember much of that night, I know I got drunk and that, for some reason, I crashed on Luke's room and I also know that after that night Calum and I were never the same. 

It got to the point where we would just say harsh and bad words to each other. 

 Calum was never a cold-hearted person which had to my suffer when he started to be cold with me. It seemed like he was the cold snow that we never got to see in Sydney. However I got over it.

I was never someone who usually falls asleep on long car or plane rides. I guess I inherited that from my mom. I remember she would always be the one driving during the night when we went on road trips and I remember seeing her reading through the all ride from New York to Australia. When I was little I would fall asleep halfway though it but now I just can't fall asleep. Back then I didn't understand how she could do it. It seemed weird to me how she wouldn't sleep but now I think I understand why she didn't. Sleeping is a waste of time if you are travelling either in a car or in a plane because you don't get to see the beautiful landscape or the people around you. 

Things in life are either a lesson or a bless, I see my inability to sleep during long journeys as a bless. For example, Calum fell asleep two hours after the flight started and slowly his head started to lean on my shoulder and furthermore it landed on my lap. My hands traveled up to his hair and I started to play with it. 

I always loved his pretty black locks. They look good on him. I also loved how peaceful he looked when he was asleep as cliché as it might sound. Calum was never the kind of person to openly share is feelings, he only did that when he was drunk and even then he would only talk with me and forget he even did it the morning after. So, somehow, he always looked a little bit troubled even if he had a smile on his face. He walks barefoot on a floor on fire but his words never show pain just his eyes. 

When he is asleep all of that his gone. You can see a small smile on his lips and the small snores that escape his lips sound like some sort of melody played by Apolo ( Greek god of music). Mainly that's why I don't have the heart to wake him up. I decided to fill my ears with some music instead. Mainly green day, something that also dragged me to Calum. One of his favorite bands of all time.

Four hours had passed when he finally woke up. First he moved around a bit, then he opened his eyes slowly and lastly he smile a bit before his eyes could actually visualize who the person he was smiling to was. He got back up slowly and then he gave me a strange look. I just shrugged, not an appealing answer for Calum. 

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