Giggle Bug

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Peter didn't like his laugh. To be entirely honest, he hated it. It's something he was teased for a lot in the past, and it developed into a pretty big source for insecurity. He got into the habit of masking it, twisting it to try and sound more manly. But there were times, around those he trusted, that he'd let his guard down.

He and Steph were cuddling on the couch watching Spaceballs. He was excited to know that she'd never seen it before and was eager to see her reaction to all the jokes. She has seen Star Wars, so she could appreciate and laugh along with all the clever quips and references. But even more than the jokes, she was amused by how much Peter was enjoying it.

"Wow, who knew you were such a giggle bug!" she teased after he recovered from a giggle fit. He choked on his spit in shock, pretending to clear his throat. He looked at her incredulously.


She furrowed her brows. "What?"

"I don't giggle," he insisted, as if the very idea was a stupid thought. She cocked her head to the side as she looked at him with a mixture of shock, amusement, and disbelief.

"You're kidding, right?"

"Uh, no?"

"You were literally just giggling!" she reasoned, an annoyed grin twitching at her lips.

"Steph, what'd I just say?" he asked, cocking a brow. She arched an eyebrow back at him.

"Oh? Am I gonna have to prove my point?" she asked, voice dipping into a more sultry register. A pale blush crept up Peter's neck as he shifted in his seat.

"Heh, I'd like to see you try," he sassed, returning his attention to the movie. Her mouth hung open at his sheer audacity.

"Oh, okay, so you wanna be like that," she said, nodding to herself. She could do this the hard way. She preferred it, actually.

He let out a startled noise of protest as she paused the movie, eyes widening as she straddled his waist.

"W-whoa Steph, my brother could get home any minute!" he said, a blush already burning his cheeks. She chuckled and shook her head.

"I'm sure it's nothing he's never seen before."

Peter gawked, left speechless by her bold words, but before he could question her further, she started squeezing his sides. He curled in, barking out a laugh in shock.

"W-wahait!" he held his arms out in front of himself for protection, but she easily slipped under his defenses.

"Nope! You said you don't giggle, so just prove me wrong! Shouldn't be that hard since, y'know, you don't giggle," she mocked, leaning down into his personal space as her fingers skittered across his skin, crawling across his stomach.

He snorted as her nails grazed a particularly sensitive spot, helpless giggles spilling out.

"Ihi was wrong, okahay? Ihihi'm sohohorry!" he pleaded, weakly swatting her hands. She gasped in fake shock.

"So you lied?" she asked dramatically.

"No no wait Steph-"

She didn't let him finish his sentence, replacing whatever it was he planned on saying with the most adorable giggles she's ever heard.

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