Stay in Check

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Grace loved her newfound power and the strength it gave her. But even she had to admit, her killings were getting to be too frequent. This wouldn't be the first time the Lords in Black warned her to be wise with the book, and needless to say she wasn't really taking the threats to heart.

Blinky assured Wiggly that he could handle it one on one; just let him talk it out. He'd been watching Grace for the longest and felt like he'd be successful in persuading her to tone it down, or at least be smart about what she's doing.

Blinky arranged their meeting in Watcher World underneath a support pillar for the Tear Jerker. It was a long and dedicated lecture on the powers at her fingertips and the untapped potential she could use it for instead of squandering it all away by getting herself caught.

Grace leaned against the metal pillar with her arms crossed over her chest. Her eyes spent most of the time rolled in the back of her head, but they made a rare appearance to stare at the ground or glare at Blinky.

He stopped mid sentence, noticing the scowl on her face and scoffed, "I don't like the look you're giving me."

"I don't like the way you're berating me," she clapped back. Blinky's expression softened, even as he rolled his eyes.

"I'm not trying to lecture you Gracie, I'm trying to look out for all of us. Do you understand?" he asked, tilting her chin up so she could meet his gaze.

"Oh I understand."

"Gracie, now don't stay mad at me," he warned gently. Grace scoffed and turned her back to him.

"Who says I'm mad?" she asked nonchalantly.

"I'm not stupid Grace. Now are you gonna smile, or am I gonna have to make you?" he asked with a teasing grin. Before she could answer, he fluttered his fingers under her chin. She giggled in shock, scrunching her shoulders as she stepped back.

"Y-you wouldn't," Grace stuttered, not sounding as confident as she had hoped. Blinky giggled, shaking his head as he slid his glasses down to look at her.

"And why wouldn't I?" he asked, cocking his head. He suddenly grabbed Grace in a hug, skittering long claws up and down her sides. She squealed, feet dancing in place as her screams of laughter mingled with the screams of park goers as the rollercoaster whizzed past above their heads.

"Blihihinky! Stohohop!" she cried, hair falling in front of her face as she doubled over in an attempt to escape the tickles.

"Where do you get off, telling me what to do in my own theme park?" Blinky teased, kneading her tummy with one hand while fluttering his nails over her neck with the other. "Are you sorry?"

"Sohoho sohohorry!"

"And don't forgive me for earlier?"

"Fihihine, just lehehet mehe go!"

Blinky granted her request, patting her head as she recovered. "There. Now, how 'bout some me themed food? I'm so hungry, you'll have to start calling me Nibbly," he joked, smiling when Grace laughed.

"Whatever dude."

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