Can't Tickle the Tickle Monster

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Dan and Donna were perhaps the worst kept secret in all of Hatchetfield. Everyone knew they were together, or they wanted to be together, no one quite knew the specifics. But they knew something was there.

Moments like these certainly didn't help the gossip. They had just covered a segment on the new gym that was opening, and Dan was now flexing and striking various poses.

"Bold of you to do that when I happen to know a weakness of yours," she teased, looking him up and down as he flexed his biceps, leaving himself wide open.

"You do?" he asked, arching a brow quizzically. But she was already in motion going for an attack.

Unfortunately for her, he was quicker and managed to snatch her wrist before she even touched him. Her sly smirk immediately faded as she shot a nervous look towards Camera One.


"You see that folks? She just tried to get me!" Dan exclaimed, the most devious grin spreading across his face as he wrapped her in a hug from behind, ensuring she had no escape. She was already fighting back giggles; it didn't bode well for what was to come her way.

"Oh Donna, what made you think you could get away with that?" he asked, tickling up her ribs. She shrieked and twisted in his grasp, shrill laughter filling the studio.

"Ihihi'm sorry! Dahahan!" she giggled out an apology, hunching over on the anchor desk.

"And that everyone, is why you never tickle a tickle monster. I'm Dan Reynolds, she's Donna Daggit, with Action News. Goodnight." As the camera zoomed out, he continued his attack. She squealed, leaning into him as a commercial abruptly cut off the endearing scene.

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