Better in Cali

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Life was infinitely better in California, and there wasn't anyone else she'd rather share it with than Hannah and Ethan. Her new shitty job is better than her old shitty job, their shitty apartment is better than that shitty trailer, and their shitty mom was nowhere in sight.

Hannah was still able to go to school, which left Lex and Ethan alone in the apartment. They were currently making out on the couch, tongues slipping between lips and hands exploring. Ethan held her close, trailing kisses from her mouth to her jaw and down her neck. Her breath hitched as teeth and lips grazed over soft skin. She jerked away slightly.

Ethan pulled away. "What's the matter babe? You ticklish or somethin'?" he asked with a smirk. Lex's eyes widened and she shook her head dismissively.

"Me, ticklish? Whahat?" she waved her hand as though to rid the air itself of his question. He raised an eyebrow, his smile growing.

"You, uh, you sure 'bout that? 'Cause you don't sound too confident in that answer... Maybe I should test it!" he teased. She was about to tell him to just go back to kissing when suddenly she was attacked. She let out a loud squeal as she fell back on the couch, Ethan straddling her legs.

He leaned down to coo in her ear, "Looks like you lied. You know what I do to liar, Lex?" His voice was a low growl that filled her stomach with butterflies while she giggled.

"Ehethan dohon't you dare!" she playfully smacked at his chest.

"Oh if there's one thing I do, it's dare!" He dug into her sides and assaulted her neck with loud, wet raspberries that left her screaming.

He finally backed off, laying atop her and resting his chin on her chest. He could feel the bounce of her chest as she regained her breath between residual giggles. Yeah, things were definitely better in California.

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