Not So Sneaky

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Dan and Donna's relationship was still rather new, and they were both hesitant to come forward. But if they were being honest, being secretive was rather thrilling. It became almost like a game to them: hiding around the studio to hook up.

It wasn't always sex, they both craved more than that. Sometimes, they just wanted a moment alone together. And other times, they just needed a quick make out session before they went on air. Like right now.

They were in one of the larger supply closets, Dan pressed against a shelf as Donna kissed from his mouth down his neck, her hands roaming his torso hungrily.

He chuckles into her lips as she groped his love handles. In turn, she giggled and pressed her forehead against his. "Quit being loud!" she playfully scolded, going back to kissing his neck, careful not to leave any hickeys in her wake.

"Quit tickling then," Dan countered, smirk still visible in the dim lighting. Donna felt her mischievous streak flare up.

"No, I don't think I will," she teased in a nonchalant tone before going back to what she'd been doing. Her hands and mouth continued roaming his body, slowly taking him apart. She decided to be a little mean and nibbled at the spot just under his ear. His knees buckled as he snorted, one hand covering his mouth as the other went to brace himself, knocking over a cable coil in the process.

"Shh, you have to be quiet!" she whispered between her own hushed giggles. Her mouth returned to that spot before he could answer, and he struggled to keep himself composed.

So all in all, just another Tuesday night.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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