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I wake up abruptly only to discover that I see the sun. The sun? And on the... deck of a warship? Wait? What has happened?

I am so surprised that I cannot utter words from my mouth. My mouth moves uncontrollably but no sound comes out. I quickly check my body for injuries and find none. I can still remember what 100 rounds of 7.5mm bullets fired in a second did to my body. I am a soldier who fought in the jungle of my country while my platoon faced off against drug traffickers. Suddenly I was caught off guard by an improvised grenade that turned out to be a machine gun bomb. I threw myself onto the bomb and it exploded on my abdomen.

The bomb was strange shaped like a sphere with multiple 7.7mm bullets arranged like a sea urchin on top of it – a contraption never seen before. I don't know its name so I called it a machine gun bomb and that was the last thing I saw.

And now I find myself on the deck of a World War II destroyer.

Me: Now that I think about it why am I short? Ah... my voice... this isn't my voice...

As I look at myself I can only see that...

No... no... Why? Why am I a girl? This is impossible. Is this what they call 'transferred to another world' or 'reincarnation' that my 15-year-old younger sister has talked so much about?

Me: I didn't expect this to be so real.

The reason I suppose I've accepted everything quickly is due to my military training. Quickly adapting to the environment and making fast decisions ensures a soldier's survival. Second I have knowledge about these types of events because my sister provided information and I've read a couple of mangas and watched some animes of this genre. But I didn't expect it to be so real... and finally I don't believe that everything happening is just a coma or a dream due to two factors:

-The first is that I can smell and I smell the sea... the saltiness of the sea, I can smell the metal of this ship.

-Second seriously a fragmentation grenade made with 7.7mm bullets would leave a hole in my abdomen and chest killing me instantly. There wouldn't even be certainty if there'd be any remains for someone to mourn, apart from the minced flesh of my body. I don't even know if my head would have survived.

It doesn't matter if they took me to a hospital instantly I wouldn't have survived by the time they arrived. I would have died for sure.

But... why did I reincarnate as a girl? I look at the ship and think... Girls and ships... Where have I heard something like this before?


In that moment an unbearable pain hits me and I start to suffer a lot... Eh? What is this? Memories of a past life come to my mind. I can recall a life I didn't have... or did I? Memories of a warship invade my thoughts... Memories of a destroyer from the US NAVY USS Benham DD-796 of the Fletcher class. I remember fighting against the Japanese in World War II everything unfolds before my eyes. Then earning eight battle stars and later participating in the Korean War. Finally being reassigned to the Peruvian Navy and undergoing modernization to carry helicopters. My service was ultimately decommissioned in the 1980s. I was struck by the BAP Ferre it fired an Exocet missile sealing my fate heading straight to the scrapyard.

Azur lane: Destroyers (Translate)Where stories live. Discover now