PANTY (29)

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Meanwhile, in the training area, we see Takao who is training with the sword. She is waiting patiently, and when a petal falls in front of her, she opens her eyes, draws her sword, and effortlessly cuts the petal in half. Then she hears some applause, so she turns around and sees Zuikaku. Takao is surprised because she did not expect Zuikaku to be here.

Zuikaku: I see you are training hard, Takao.

Takao: I see you have returned. I am surprised that you came back sooner than expected. I thought you would be here in 4 more days.

Zuikaku: Veras... it didn't turn out as we expected.

Takao: Hmm, let me dry off the sweat and change, then I want to take a walk with you.

Zuikaku: I understand.

After a while, both girls walk around the area while Zuikaku tells Takao everything that happened during the operation to attack the enemy base. Takao is very surprised to learn about Enterprise's great power and that the operation did not go as planned.

After walking through beautiful tourist spots, both girls arrive at a cliff where they can see the entire base of the empire and the sea.

Zuikaku: (Disappointed with herself) I know I didn't stand a chance against Gray Ghost, and the retreat call managed to protect my pride as an aircraft carrier. I can't afford to stay like this. I have to become stronger or I won't be able to protect my sister and my friends!

At that moment, Takao, seeing her friend looking down, tries to pat her on the shoulder, but she didn't know her own strength and ends up hitting her very hard, causing Zuikaku to fall while groaning in pain, and then she looks at Takao angrily.

Zuikaku: I am sad, you must console me!

Takao: Ah, that wasn't my intention. I was trying to cheer you up, but I think I overdid it and my pat on the back was too strong.

Zuikaku: I would say you went overboard, Ouch that's going to leave a bruise.

Takao: I'm truly sorry, but my point is that you shouldn't take on all the burden by yourself, you can also rely on me, at least a little more...

Zuikaku: (Moved by Takao's words) Takao...

Takao: (Offering her hand) We are comrades, aren't we?

Feeling better, Zuikaku accepts Takao's hand and she helps her to stand up.

Meanwhile, at the port, Shiranui checks all the logistics for Orochi and other projects.

Shiranui: (Annoyed) Where is that silly Akashi?

Behind her, the British spys walked past, and Edinburgh trips over a steel bar, falling abruptly. Her mask along with her goggles fly off. Shiranui hears the crash and sees a priestess on the ground.

Shiranui: (Worried) Hey, are you okay? But I think we've never met, what squad are you from?

On the other hand, Edinburg was frozen with fear not knowing what to do, she lost her glasses and can't see well, luckily Sheffy arrived and put a mask on Edinburg, then after apologizing for the inconvenience, both girls leave.

Shiranui: Excuse me.

Those words froze the spys, and Sheffy was getting ready to subdue the girl, but at that moment she relaxes upon seeing what Shiranui has in his hands.

Shiranui: I'm sorry, but you dropped your glasses.

Edinburg approaches Shiranui, picks up her glasses, then bows several times as a gesture of thanks, and then they leave, leaving Shiranui somewhat confused.

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