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Meanwhile, Ayanami, who had escaped thanks to the decoy set up by her superiors, now reports to her commanders.

Ayanami: [This is Ayanami reporting in.]

Kaga: [We are on a mission, please use the codename.]

Ayanami: I'm sorry, Citrus here, I have a report that the main fleet of Azur Lane is on a mission. I have analyzed all maritime traffic, which is very scarce.

Kaga: [So this is the best time for our move, we are already prepared for the mission, we will meet when it is appropriate.]

Ayanami: [Understood]

In the sea very close to Azur Lane base, the first division sails alongside a mass-produced Siren fleet.

Kaga: Phoenix, this is the best time to attack the main fleet is away from home.

Akagi: Kaga, what is the nature of war supposed to be?

Kaga: Excuse me sister, but call me by my code name.

Akagi: War is to hurt, war is to be hurt, war is an exchange of mutual pain (sits behind Kaga), through pain we will understand each other, in short, war is love.

Kaga simply remains silent and then stands up while invoking a scroll as it ignites with intense blue fire.

Kaga: Sister, I don't know what you're talking about, I simply eliminate my enemies.

At that moment, the weather starts to worsen a little and Akagi starts to laugh discreetly.

Akagi: (Summoning a black mental cube) How unpleasant you are... Well, now... let's start our war.

Meanwhile, at the base in the office, Wales, Cleveland, and Illustrious continue discussing the issue of an impending war and how they could handle it cautiously to prevent it from erupting. However, the enemy made the move to trigger it.

At that moment, the door opens quickly and London, out of breath, screams.

London: Enemy attack! The Sirens are attacking us with bomber planes!

The news hits everyone like a bucket of cold water.

Cleveland: What are the patrols we sent doing?

Wales: What did you say? Intercept them quickly immediately! The base structure is new, prevent it from being destroyed! Send an SOS to the main fleet to return quickly!

London: Understood! (I don't get paid enough for this shit)

London rushes off and activates the alarm, meanwhile Cleveland runs to the window and sees that the sirens are attacking the base. Cleveland clicks her tongue upon seeing enemy planes bombing the base and runs off to help in the defense. On the other hand, Wales and Illustrious stay in the office to continue their conversation.

Wales: Are the sirens attacking now? It's a very bad coincidence...

Illustrious: Don't tell me that...

On the other hand, Cleveland has already arrived at the port and is running to reach his ship, when an enemy plane strafes Cleveland, but the shots missed their target and Cleveland keeps running until he gets on a dock and runs along the dock.

Cleveland: Cleveland, knight of the seas...

At that moment, Cleveland jumps and finishes his sentence.

Cleveland: Going into battle!

The Cleveland ship fragments into mental cubes and then they start equipping the Cleveland rigging and then she shoots at an enemy plane that was trying to bomb her.

Cleveland: What do you think? The ultimate weapon to fight against you, the Sirens.

In that moment, an enemy plane fires a missile at Cleveland. The missiles hit the sea, fortunately not injuring Cleveland. She retaliates and shoots down the attacking plane.

Cleveland: It's us! With the powers of the warships embedded in our bodies!

At that moment, the Kansen join the battle and start firing at the enemy planes.

Cleveland: The power to defeat them!

The shots continue, and the enemy planes gradually decrease. Javelin and Laffey shoot down the enemy planes in a mobile game style.

The remaining enemy planes retreat, and the girls celebrate.

Cleveland frowns as cherry blossoms start falling, realizing something is wrong since these trees don't grow in these places. Then, the radio starts playing the voice of a woman.

Akagi: [Yes, we were created by humanity to fight against the Sirens, but a difference in political views divided the four main countries into two factions...]

Kaga: [One faction only limits itself to using the powers that humanity bestowed upon them, and those are you: Royal and Union.]

Akagi: [And the other faction...]

In that moment, everyone is surprised to see the bows of two Sakura Empire aircraft carriers.

Cleveland: That emblem? What are they doing here?

Akagi: [The faction that uses Siren technology to defeat the Sirens: Iron Blood and Sakura Empire]

At that moment, the planes from both carriers started taking off and forming a circle above their Siren fleet. The girls, upon witnessing such a scene, became frightened by the terrifying formation of enemy planes.

Akagi: [Akagi from the first division of the Sakura Empire]

Kaga: [Kaga from the first division of the Sakura Empire.]

Akagi/Kaga: [Behold and tremble!]

To be continued

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