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Now comes the tasty part, the practical classes. We are now at the training site, but since the real training place was destroyed, we are now in the middle of the sea near the base to avoid problems of encountering threats.

Ranger: Well, I will be your practice instructor. I believe from the looks on your faces that there was a misunderstanding with the schedule.

Allen: What do you mean a misunderstanding? They said we would study every damn day!

Ranger: Well, to begin with, we don't have enough instructors to teach all of you. The schedule will be the same, in other words, one day for each type of ship. However, on Sundays, everyone will have a joint practical class to improve teamwork skills, socialize, and get along better.

Now we all understood the point, there was a big misunderstanding, everyone sighed with relief and relaxed, I think the morale of the girls improved a lot.

Ranger: Good, today we will be conducting joint combat maneuvers, specifically an anti-submarine combat exercise. And what better submarine to assist us than the USS Dace.

At that moment, an American submarine emerges.

Dace: Good afternoon everyone, today I will be your opponent to defeat.

Ranger: Don't be cocky, we don't have practice depth charges, you just shoot at the girls and they have to evade. 

Dace: Ok, ok. 

Me: Question. 

Ranger: Yes?

Me: If we can't counterattack, then how will we do it?

Ranger: I will give you a bag with submersible balls, they are cheaper and disposable. If the balls come too close to Dace, then the game ends and you win. But if you are hit by a practice torpedo, then Dace wins.

Guys: (Giggles) This will be easy.

Me: Don't forget humility, sister.

Ranger: Alright girls, it's time to begin. First, we'll have a one-on-one combat, and then we'll have a convoy escort mission. But before that, I'll give you a training session for that moment. First, we'll start with a 1vs1 match.

We all nodded in response to the instructor's order, and she began calling each of us by name in alphabetical order. 

Me: (Giggles) It's so typical of a school day, isn't it?

Guise: You don't have to tell me, little sister.

Me: (giggles) Now I'm the little sister.

Guise: Well, I guess so. Now we live our lives like ships, and in this life, I am older.

Me: Just for a few months, don't mess around, friend.

Then we laughed a little, started looking at the performance of our classmates, and I can say it's moderately good. They're not perfect, but acceptable. They would lose after putting up a great fight.

Me: Guys, don't go overboard, make sure it doesn't show that we're veterans and that we're broken. 

Guise: Don't worry, leave it to me.

Later they called Guise and she prepared for the combat, just as Dace expected. Before the combat emerges for a few minutes while Ranger is giving instructions, and before the combat starts, she dives in. Without a doubt, this would be sneaky in a cavalry combat, but this is a training duel against submarines. Submarines, no matter the reason, will always make treacherous and camper attacks. That is the nature of their existence and that is what excites me. To have battles where I am at a disadvantage and to beat them at their own game.

Me: (shaking my head) No, no, I think I got too excited.

My sister started the fight by scanning her surroundings using medium and short-range patterns, it was a very long fight and my sister would throw the balls and intentionally miss just to prolong it as much as possible. She easily avoided the torpedoes and sometimes pretended not to see the enemy attacks and then narrowly avoided them. She only does this to make practice as entertaining as possible.

Me: Not bad, she's playing with Dace.

She practically had her eyes on Dace's position and when she thought it was enough, she riddled her using the rest of her toy ammunition and the game ended with Dace's defeat.

Ranger: It's over! Admiral Guise wins the game!

Then she bows respectfully and greets Dace, and then she comes towards me.

Guise: (whispers) It's so boring, there's nothing entertaining about this, I'd like to fight against Akagi again.

Me: There's no other choice, just bear with it, okay? I know it's boring, but find a way to entertain yourself.

Then, training continued until the afternoon. My turn also came eventually, and I applied the same tactic as my sister. I pretended that Dace is very skilled and doesn't leave me any space to attack. When the moment arrived, I executed the Grayhound move, filling Dace's face with lead, forcing her to emerge. I aimed the cannon at her head, indicating that it was checkmate in my favor.

Remember that cannon projectiles can have penetrating power even underwater. Since the projectile is a practice one, there is no fear that Dace could be seriously injured, so there are no problems.

The training day ended and my sister and I are surrounded by our teammates asking us how we did, well the answer is easier than you think, training and honing your skills over the years, but we keep that last part to ourselves, we don't want the rookies to start calling us grandmas, we're too young to be grandmas.


Meanwhile, at sea, Ayanami is watching the sunset while remembering the events at the beginning of the war, when suddenly Z23 boards her ship.

Z23: Ayanami.

Ayanami: Hm? What's up, Nimi?

Z23: We have an order to go on a mission, please follow us.

Ayanami: Another fight? 

Z23: Indeed, an enemy fleet is sailing towards the base at Pearl Harbor. Our mission is to intercept them and damage them as much as possible. 

Ayanami: (Doubts) The enemy?

Then she remembers what she did in the attack on Azur Lane's base.

Ayanami: I don't like this fight...

Z23: Please don't be so selfish out of nowhere.

Ayanami: Does Nimi like to fight?

Z23: Whether we like it or not is irrelevant, our duty is to fulfill the mission entrusted to us, we are warships, born for war.

Ayanami looks at the sun about to set and she has many doubts in her heart.

Ayanami: Ayanami doesn't fully understand it.

To be continued

My laptop is a weird setup lol. loptop stuck on the ceiling my mouse is on the wall with my keybord it at my c****

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