CLASS [18]

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Today I wake up very energetic, yesterday was a very busy day after the attack, thanks to participating in three fights in a single outing, I exhausted all my energy. Yesterday I slept at noon and spent the whole afternoon and night sleeping.

After yawning, I get out of bed and see my sister sleeping next to me, and I smile. I felt very nostalgic and I get up to freshen up and get ready to go to the dining room.

Me: Well, today seems like it's going to be another very long day.

So I start by waking up my sister.

Me: Guise, it's time to wake up.

Guise: (waking up) Hm? Sister? What time is it?

Me: It's six o'clock, today we will have a very long day, we have to work on repairing the base.

Guise: (Disgust) Ugh, Repair? Sounds like a pain in the ass.

Me: Don't be idle, we have to work, we have to earn our bread.

Guise: (Rising lazily) Understood, commander, why do I have to do this?

Me: Why did you appoint me as the commander of our country? Did you forget?

Guise: Ah, it was that time when we met Allen.

At that moment, someone knocks on the door, so I go to open it. When I look outside, I see Allen, Cooper, and Bristol.

Me: Good morning to all three of you, what's going on, commander?

Allen: Well, I was asking if you were still here to go together to the dining hall and then go to the academy.

Me: Go to the academy? Aren't we going to work on the repairs?

Bristol: You see, we are novice destroyers, nobody wants us in charge of base repairs because they are afraid we might mess something up and cause more damage.

Me: If we don't practice, we won't learn. What better place to learn than in a real-life situation.

Allen: Friend, we have exclusive places to learn about that.

Me: Is there a special place for that?

Bristol: Indeed.

Fletcher: (Just arriving) Hello girls, how are my new sisters doing?

Me: Here we are, getting ready for the day.

Guise: (Just arriving after changing and freshening up) Good morning.

Everyone: Good morning Guise.

Allen: How about your combat damages? Currently, my ship is under repair.

Me: Now that I think about it, you were damaged in the first phase, right?

Allen: Yes.

Guise: No damage, though my fists hurt a bit. That bitch's face is tough.

Me: I punched Kaga hard I bet she's furious because I messed up her face a bit.


Kaga: Achuuuu! 

Akagi: Kaga, don't move, I can't treat your wounds. 

Kaga: I'm sorry, but it was a physiological necessity, I couldn't help it.

Returning with the protagonist:

Allen: Great, they look good, now let's have breakfast together. 

Me: Ok, so we went to have breakfast with my new friends.

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