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Yesterday was hell after returning to the base, we had to prepare a report on the rescue mission, a meeting with Wales, and a small meeting that lasted until late at night. Finally, close to midnight, we were released from all that. We went to shower and then to bed. I wouldn't have any complaints about it because today we were supposed to have a day off. Sleeping in would have been awesome, but... there's always a "but." Whether I like it or not, I still have to get up because I have academy. As the saying goes: "This is this, and that is that."

Guise: Sister, wake up, we're running late for school.

Me: No thanks, go by yourself, I'll manage on my own in the exam.

Guise: Sister! As a former warship that fought in World War II and as a former commander of our country's river navy! You have to set an example! You have a pride to uphold!

Me: That is a pride, medals and titles that I don't have in this world, I don't care.

Guise: Sister!

Me: I have worked late, so let me be.

Guise: Sister, if you don't get up, I'm going to apply the Vin Diesel move from the nanny movie.

Me: Alright, I'm getting up now, but don't you dare flip me over with the bed and all.

I wake up very upset and I go to freshen up and change, then we leave the room while I yawn.

Me: How horrible to have dark circles and feel very sleepy.

Guise: We cannot avoid it, we have obligations.

Me: I wonder if Laffey feels like this all the time?

Guise: That is a good question and I don't know what to answer you.

So we headed to the dining room to have breakfast.


Meanwhile, outside, Wales and Illustrious are driving in a car to see their monarch who had just arrived at the base. On the way, they talk about what happened during the rescue mission at the base and the Hornet fleet.

Wales: Those two destroyers not only saved Allen from certain death, but they were also very helpful in the Midway recovery mission. They devised a plan to return to the base quickly, scared off the first division to escape, and saved the Hornet fleet by facing Z23, the Siren fleet led by Eugen, and even Prinz Eugen herself. There is no doubt that those two girls are incredibly powerful.

Illustrious: There is no doubt about their experience from their previous world. What bloody battles must they have witnessed to have that kind of skill?

Wales: I have no idea at all, but it seems like they have seen a lot.

Illustrious: Yes, the power to repel the enemy attack without suffering damage, but fighting in that way... is very dangerous.

Wales: Worried about them?

Illustrious: They have done a lot for us, we are indebted to both of them. They have shown that you can be very powerful regardless of being a mere destroyer. I simply don't want to see them fall during the course of the war. I would like both of them to be able to enjoy a life without complications and have a good life outside the battlefield.

Wales: In that case, let's speak to His Majesty.

The car advanced to the Royal Navy residence in Pearl Harbor. When they arrived, they were received by the queen, who gathered in the royal garden to discuss it while drinking tea.

Wales simply gave a brief summary of what had happened during these days, from the operation to recover Midway to the rescue operation of the Hornet fleet. Then, she spoke to them about their two recent foreign allies who have just joined Azur Lane.

QE: I understand what you're trying to tell me... I know you're concerned about those two who apparently witnessed the battlefield and ended human lives to defend their home country... but they are destroyers of the Fletcher class, that is a problem that the Eagle Union must deal with, and I don't think it's right to intervene.

Unicorn: But thanks to her, the main fleet was able to arrive on time and Langley arrived on time to save me.

Illustrious: The strength of both girls will surely be necessary in our upcoming battles, after all, Enterprise, who was supposed to be stationed here, had to withdraw to Eagle Union due to some incidents that she has to personally take care of.

QE: (Sigh) Poor her, ever since Yorktown got sick, she has been very busy and is hardly ever seen.

Hood: Yes, after all, the two of them were able to defeat Prinz Eugen and her fleet. Enterprise is also very powerful since she was able to handle the fifth division.

QE: I understand Hood, what do you think about Warspite?

Warspite: Sister, I trust your judgment, but in my personal opinion, I agree with Hood and Illustrious.

QE: I understand. I suppose we will be involved in this... Bel, send one of our maids to take care of surveillance... and by the way, make sure everything is as discreet as possible.

Belfast: As you command, Your Majesty.

The meeting ended to make way for a more relaxed conversation than before. Hood hands Wales a letter from King George V. It seemed that her older sister missed her very much after not seeing each other for 3 years. Due to there being no outgoing merchant ships from this Royal Navy base, there was no way to send a single letter during this time, and phone calls were out of the question.

Wales: Thank you very much, I hope my sister is alright, cursed siren, if only they would go extinct so I could speak with my sisters without any problems.

The girls laughed a little at the outburst of the Prince of Wales.

To be continued

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