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The conversation continues between Allen and Villar.

Villar: That's how we came to rescue you, so since we don't know anything, we need information.

Villar had just told the story of how they came to this world, and in the end, they ended up sharing their stories as ships with Allen, expressing their lives as American ships and their experiences as humans. Allen, upon hearing the story, was very surprised. She did not expect such a tale from two ships from another world. However, in the end, she believed them, as the ship she was on had some significant differences, and if Villar were an enemy of humanity, Allen wouldn't still be in this world.

Allen: [I believe you, but I didn't expect you to be ships from another world.]

Villar: Yes, it's very hard to believe such a thing.

Without them realizing, a Siren submarine sails nearby and manages to see the destroyer Villar sailing slowly at a fuel-efficient speed. The submarine began to surface, and upon seeing the destroyer through the periscope, it prepared to attack. It loaded all torpedo tubes; however, the sound generated while arming the torpedoes was detected by Villar's sonar.

Villar: Tch.

Allen: [What's happening?]

Villar: Go back to the infirmary; a Siren submarine is about to attack us.

Villar grabs Allen, and then the ship starts accelerating to evade the torpedoes. A second later, the sonar picks up the sound of torpedo launches. After a few seconds, Allen manages to see several torpedo wakes.

Villar: Sister, take Allen to the infirmary.

Allen: [Wait, I want to see the fight.]

Villar: We don't have time for this now!

Allen: (Puppy eyes) [Please]

Villar: Ugh, fine, but if you get hurt, I won't be held responsible.

Allen nods. She watches as Villar and Guise run to both sides of the destroyer, looking through binoculars. Since it's nighttime, it's almost impossible to see clearly, and she only catches a glimpse of some of the fired torpedoes.

Villar: Torpedoes visually detected! There are 5. How many do you have?

Guise: I have 3 here!

Villar: There are eight in total. Shout the heading to me!

Guise: Heading parallel 7-6-9!

Villar: Understood, turn all to starboard!

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