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While the newcomers are receiving their classes at the academy, the rest of the girls are carrying out the corresponding repairs on the base and ships.

Cleveland is doing some inspections on her ship when she uses one of the cranes to lift one of her turrets.

Cleveland: Keep it steady... steady! Stop!

The crane stops and Cleveland takes a look inside, then she sighs.

Cleveland: There are too many repairs needs to be done...

In that moment, Cleveland sees Sandy's ship listing and on fire. The cruiser is towed to the shipyards for repairs.

Sandy: (crying) My ship is sinking! 

Omaha and Glowworm are mocking the misfortune of the little American idol. 

Cleveland: (sigh) If only we had a repair ship like Vestal.

Cleveland looks at the clock and it's already lunchtime.

Cleveland: I guess it's time to take a break for a little while.

Meanwhile, near the Azur Lane's jurisdictional waters, the fleet of the empire is sailing these seas. Akagi and Kaga are on the flight deck of Akagi. Akagi is tending to Kaga's wounds again because she tripped while trying to repair her flight deck, causing the previously treated wounds from a day ago to reopen.

Kaga: I'm coming. 

Akagi: Please Kaga, don't move, I can't treat your wounds. 

Kaga: They're just scratches, don't worry.

Akagi: Do you call scratches when you almost lose your tongue in combat? Do you also call scratches when you almost lose both eyes out there?

Kaga: (Sad) I'm sorry, sister.

Akagi: Don't be sad, I care about you, after all, we are stepsisters, it's obvious that I care about you.

Kaga: (Smiles) Thank you, sister.

At that moment, a sound alerts Kaga and she looks up and then jumps back a little, glaring hostilely at Prinz Eugen who had boarded the aircraft carrier without permission.

Eugen: I hope I'm not interrupting your important meeting.

Kaga: (Very hostile look) You. 

Eugen: Please don't look at me with those eyes, do you forget that we are allies? Isn't that right, Akagi? 

Akagi: Of course, we are comrades pursuing the same objective, all our fights are for the cause of Red Axis.

Eugen: Hmmm, I see. Very impressive how you can control the siren ships, even the mass-produced ones. Is this another achievement of your project?

Akagi: Toda is the will of the heavens.

Eugen: I've seen the report, you've been very lenient about it, you had enough power to continue and leave the enemy base in ashes. Were you so scared by your little sister's injury?

The words angered Kaga so much that she tried to go towards Eugen and beat her up, but Akagi stopped her.

Akagi: Oh friend, please don't say that. Where is the love in this? They need to be bothered a little more. Besides, the main attack fleet from Midway arrived 5 hours earlier than expected. It was a miscalculation. It seems luck was not on our side this time.

Eugen: I see, so the main fleet arrived early, even though they're not that impressive, they have the support of 3 veteran war carriers and the battleship New Jersey, which is considered to be the latest generation battleships of the Eagle Union. Without a doubt, dealing with them would be a headache.

To preserve their pride, they chose not to tell about the humiliation they received from two destroyers.

While they were talking, an incoming communication from the fifth division arrived.

Zuikaku: [Commanders, we have found them, a separate force]

Kaga: It's just as Ayanami reported.

Akagi: I suppose we can bother them a little more. [Can you handle it, right? It may be immature, but this is not a difficult task to fulfill.]

Zuikaku: (Annoying) [Understood]

The communication is cut off and now Akagi looks at Eugen to ask her for a small favor.

Akagi: Well, now Prinz Eugen, the famous warrior of Iron Blood...

Kaga: The fifth carrier division found some enemy remnants around this area, there is no reason to let them go unpunished.

Akagi: I'm ashamed to admit it, but I deeply care about my students. If the Iron Blood fleet moves to help them, I would be more at ease.

Eugen thinks about it for a few moments and then accepts.

Eugen: It's fine.

She gets up while munching on a dango stick, then tosses the stick, landing inches away from Kaga's foot, which infuriates her, but Akagi holds her back.

Eugen: I will take Nimi and the girl Ayanami from your division.

Akagi: It's fine, rather we would be honored to admire the great power of you from Iron Blood.


Well, after the theoretical class, there was a lunch break. It used to be 25 minutes, but now it has been reduced to 15 minutes due to the war. After that, we have practical classes, which used to end at 4 pm, but now the study goes until 6 pm because the teachers want us to learn to stop being beginners. Well, they are very concerned, but I think they are exaggerating.

Allen: (Complaining) Oh, this can't be. Now we have to study until 18:00. What a drag.

Cooper: Yes, and now we even study on Saturdays and Sundays, which used to be days off.

Guise: There is no remedy, we are in a state of war, the teachers want to educate us so that we can defend ourselves from the enemy, they care about us in their own way. Don't you think so, little sister?

Me: Sister, you have some point, but... I think studying on Sundays is a bit excessive, I can tolerate studying until Saturdays, but on a Sunday? That doesn't leave us any day to rest.

Cooper: So let's go on strike!

Me: You know very well that this is ineffective, it was approved by Commander Wales, it will take some time before they realize it is ineffective, but I will convey your dissatisfaction to the commander.

Allen: (Complaints) What? How long? 

Guise: Weeks? 2 months? But I don't think it will go beyond that time.

Bristol: These will be the longest days of my damn life.

Me: Well, I think you're right, we need to prepare for our practical classes, these 15 minutes go by too quickly.

Guise: (Whispering) In school, we had 45 minutes for lunch.

Me: (Whispering) I barely had about 30 minutes. Alright girls! Let's go! Remember, true sailors are forged through overcoming more storms!

The girls are encouraged by my sentence, I think this sentence is poorly said because I don't remember it very well, but I think my point of view was understood so I am happy to boost the morale of my friends, so we get up from our chairs and get ready for our practical classes.

To be continued

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