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While the attack of the first division is taking place, the main fleet that was returning manages to receive the SOS from the base.

Ranger: What!? The sirens are attacking the base!?

Langley: I guess everything was going too well to be true.

Jersey: As I expected, this was a trap.

Langley: Villar, is there any update on the information or is it just a fabrication?

Villar: No, it was the voice of the Prince of Wales on the radio speaking on an open line.

Langley: As I expected, if she speaks in that way, then things are out of control. We must hurry and get to the allied base as quickly as possible.

Villar: Update on the base information, London is on the speaker, the Sakura Empire is attacking the base, it's not a Siren attack, it's an attack carried out by the Sakura Empire and the First Carrier Division.

The girls get confused when they hear Villar's words.

Formidable: The Sakura Empire? Why would they attack us?

Ranger: I don't know, as far as I know, we haven't done anything to provoke them to attack us.

Langley: Anyway, we need to return to the base as quickly as possible.

Villar: Objection, if we go at our maximum speed, we will never arrive on time, it will take us more than 5 hours to travel.

Formidable: So, what do we do?

Villar: I propose using the airplanes from the aircraft carriers to travel faster. By using the airplanes from three aircraft carriers, it is obvious that we will have tickets for everyone.

Langley: It's not a bad idea, let's do that.


At the base, the girls start shooting at the enemy planes that are traveling to bomb the base. The girls do everything they can, but it is still not enough and the planes pass as if nothing and bomb the base as if the anti-aircraft fire did not exist.

Javelin: This has no end.

Laffey: We are in serious trouble.

Just at that moment, several Spitfire planes join the battle, managing to shoot down several enemy planes, surprising everyone.

Cleveland: Interceptors?

At that moment, Unicorn appears and joins the defense of the base.

Unicorn: Don't bother my friends!

In that moment, Yuu-chan grows to real size and Unicorn rides her, then they fly through the sky and deploy more planes. This careless action catches Kaga's attention.

Kaga: Is that brat a carrier? With that skinny body, she's not even worth an appetizer, but prey is prey.

At that moment, the Kaga aircraft carrier transforms into a nine-tailed fox, surprising everyone.

Cleveland: What the hell!?

Kaga: I'm going to devour you!

The unicorn, seeing herself in danger, starts to flee from the danger and the fox deploys its flight cover and deploys more imperial planes.

Javelin, seeing the danger to her friend, tries to prepare to fire her anti-aircraft guns when Laffey, seeing torpedoes sailing towards Javelin, jumps and pushes her, saving her. However, Laffey is the one who receives the torpedoes meant for Javelin. Javelin is worried about her friend, but Laffey lies to her, saying that nothing is wrong.

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