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Meanwhile, as our protagonists are talking, the emergency alarm in the base starts to sound, surprising everyone.

Villar: What's up?

Guise: Any enemy incursion?

Cooper: Don't worry, the commander is going to speak.

Villar: Ahhh, I see, I'm sorry, we got scared.

Guise: Yes, it seemed like an alarm about enemy incursions into the base.

And just as Cooper said, Secretary London began to speak. In a few words, London gave a brief summary of how Intrepid the fleet found the enemy base at Midway, and explained that the fleet that will now depart from the base will have to eliminate that base. Then the girls prepared for the operation. The fleet is composed of two parts: the first part will be the fleet that will go to the base at Midway and completely crush it, and the second fleet will be the one to guard the base while the main fleet is away.

London: The main force will be led by the fleet consisting of Ranger, Formidable, and Langley. Then the New Jersey fleet will provide support.

Jersey: Yay! Finally some action!

Sims: Please calm down, friend.

London: [Then Allen's fleet will be the vanguard fleet.]

Villar: The Allen fleet? Weren't some of them very injured?

Allen: Don't worry, we are tougher than you think.

Villar: (When we turned around, we saw Allen M Sunmer and Bristol, both girls were in very good physical and emotional condition, that surprised me a lot) Allen? Bristol? How?

Allen: Did you forget that as kansen, our recovery is much faster than any average human?

Guise: It's true sister, I don't understand why you're so surprised.

London: [All ships belonging to those fleets, prepare to set sail]

Wales: This is Commander Wales. The Intrepid fleet has discovered the enemy base during a mission. This base in Midway has been hidden from our eyes for a long time until now. It is time to reclaim it once again. It has been revealed that this area is guarded by a META kansen.

Upon hearing the commander's words, everyone became excited because the META kansen are very powerful opponents and are considered traitors to humanity for abandoning their humanity by joining the Siren faction.

Langley: Well, well, I think it's time to get rid of some toxins from the body.

Ranger: Please teacher, don't go overboard, remember that despite your appearance, it doesn't match your age.

Langley: The old machines take a long time to work, but we still function.

Intrepid: I don't mind having a veteran in our fleet, any help is welcome.

Jersey: (Excited) I'm going to burn!

Benson: I see that a certain battleship is very excited.

Wales: The main force, composed of the three carrier leaders, will lead the main attack. The Jersey fleet will provide support and provide artillery fire against land and sea facilities. The Allen M. Summer fleet will go ahead for reconnaissance. Understood? The objective of this operation is to eliminate the siren threat near the lands of the Eagle Union and this base... Alright, the Allen fleet will depart first before the main force! That's all!

The communication is cut off.

Allen: Well, it's time to go, girls. We need to provide intelligence to our allies.

Bristol: Yes!

Cooper: You can count on us, sister.

Fletcher: Yes, I have to set an example for my younger sisters... (Looks at Villar and Guise) especially you two.

Guise: (Ahhh, What will happen if she finds out that we have more combat experience than her?)

And so, the girls prepared for the mission, loading some food and water just in case. They also armed themselves with all kinds of weapons in case they encountered submarines or asymmetric threats, as in the world of Azur Lane, suicide boat attacks abound.

After that, they summoned their rigs and began sailing towards the mission location.

Allen: Good, follow me, we'll use the standard single-line formation.

The girls formed a single line at a cruising speed of 20 knots, with Allen leading the formation, followed by her two sisters Cooper and Bristol. Behind them were the Fletcher-class destroyers: Fletcher, Guise, and finally Villar.

After 5 hours since Allen's fleet set sail, the main fleet began its departure.

Langley: I'll take the lead of the fleet. All ships, proceed at 2/3 power, form an anti-air formation.

So, the main fleet formed an anti-air formation. Behind the main fleet, the battleship fleet led by New Jersey followed, escorted by 2 destroyers and 3 light cruisers.

Jersey: (Excited) Follow Langley's fleet!

Baltimore: It seems our friend is very energetic.

Benson: No kidding.

Meanwhile, with Allen's fleet.

It had been a while since they left the base, and so far, there's no sign of any enemies. This raised concerns for Guise and Villar, who were both veteran destroyers from the Second World War.

Guise: Don't you think this is suspicious?

Villar: Yes, I've scanned with my radars and sonars, but there's nothing.

Guise: A trap?

Villar: It could be, but so far, I haven't found anything to confirm my suspicions.

Fletcher: What's going on? Why the whispering?

Guise: Tell me, Sister, have you noticed the situation?

Fletcher: (Awkward laughter) Did you notice? It's too quiet to be true.

Villar: Yes. What does Allen say?

Allen: Yes, I also have my suspicions. It's been 1 hour since we entered enemy waters. What's the report from the main fleet?

Villar: Just as planned.

Allen: Good, let's keep it that way.

Villar: What? A portal appeared to starboard 10!

The girls looked, and portals started to appear. Three enemy destroyers emerged. Looking at the enemy destroyer, it reminded me a lot of the Modern Warship's Ocean Avenger, but with the difference that this ship is black with red neon lights, without missiles, and with a plasma cannon.

Villar: It looks imposing, but in a missile war, it would be history in seconds.

Guise: Yes. After all, before being sold as scrap, we were hit by Exocet missiles.

Villar: That hurt a lot.

Guise: Tell me about it, friend.

Villar: Well, we need to focus on the battle.

To be continued

(HO4)So Sakura Empire decide to go to war with me so i make peace with Royal Navy and allied with tham.  my 30 submarine sink a lot of convoy like 200+ or something, no supple or reforement= you going to lose the war (Sakura Empire ship sink by me [convoy 200+] [destroyers 4] [light cruiser 1] [Battleships 2])

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