chapter 8

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Phil's POV

Me and Dan went to town with Chris
We were still pretty mad about what PJ did but we tried not to think about it too much .
I think Dan was effected the most out of us three because he really thought today would go down well.
I was going to hold his hand but after what just happened I wasn't sure if he was ready.

We went up to an open Costa nearby
I thought it would be easier to talk when we were all sat down .

Chris bought our drinks , I felt bad that he paid but he said he felt even worse for what PJ did , I couldn't say no. But I did get a small drink so he wouldn't have to pay as much .

I sat down on a sofa opposite Chris and and Dan there was a table between the sofas ,Dan got up and sat down by me ,mabey he is ready .

Chris takes a sip of his lemon tea and says " guys I'm so so sorry about what PJ said about you I can't beli- " he was cut off by Dan "Chris its okay really it is ,anyway it's that should apologise but thank you ."
I step in "ye Chris you don't need to apologise ,its not your fault"

Chris sighs with relife
"Thanks guys and I promise I'll sort him out by the end of the week and if not , well he won't be any friend of mine "
He looks at his watch " oh guys Costa is gonna shut soon I should be getting back to PJ " he pulls a disgusted face
Me and Dan give Chris a hug "by Chris " we both say as we head back home .

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