Chapter 4|Help Me

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Tyler turned around and met my gaze. His eyes were bright blue from the tears that were spilling out a minute ago. He was beautiful, caring, even loving, how could I not be falling for him. I realize we have only been together for a day, well almost two days now, but it feels like we've known each other for much longer. He was falling for me and I was falling for him. "Here," he said handing me a slip of paper. "What's this?" I asked opening up the paper. "My number in case you ever need someone. I don't want you to hurt and I will be over in a second if you need support or help." I was thinking about what to say back, but my thoughts carried on more. I never believed that someone would care for me as much as he did. He was crying because of what I've done. I can't do this again. I can't hurt- "Tyler!" Someone shouted. I turn to look and the football players were walking over to us. "Oh no." Tyler mumbled. What is happening?

Tyler turns to the boys. "Hey looks like we were right," they all laugh. "What?" I didn't realize I said it aloud until they all snapped their heads towards me. "What do you mean "what" twig? I mean come on it's obvious you guys are gay for each other and guess what? That means you are fags!" The words seep in. They walk up and push me. It wasn't really hard but I still hit the ground. They all laugh. This isn't real. I'm not getting attacked right now. "Stop." Tyler demanded. His voice was strong and demanding. "Look Brent, you can't go harassing people just because of what you think is true. I'm not dating Troye. He's only been here for two days why would I do that? You guys are disgusting." My heart dropped. Did he mean they were disgusting for pairing us together or? Why would I think someone like him would actually care about me. "Oh so you don't like him either. Okay cool then you can go away while we show him who's boss," one of the other players stated. "Bu- but," Tyler tried. "Nope go away. Shoo shoo," they demanded right back as they all shoved Tyler away. He looked back at me and mouthed the words "I'm so sorry," before he was shoved away completely.

I looked up at the group in front of me. There were about fifteen strong and muscular people staring at me and whispering to each other. I'm so dead. Eventually they all looked back and grinned crowding me in a circle. "Okay so we've decided your second day treat is going consist of you in a lake. So if you don't mind, we are going to carry you there now. This is Joe and he's going to be our camera man. Any questions?" he finished off. I didn't reply. Instead I looked around and found a crack between two of the players. Suddenly I jumped through the small gap and started sprinting towards where I saw Tyler go. I could hear many angry football players coming and I knew this was an awful idea but I ran to the school and smashed through the door instead of opening it. I realize immediately that my parents would have to pay for that. I keep sprinting until I get to the restroom. I bolt in and slam the door behind me making sure to lock it. I sit against the door and hear banging soon after. "Come out you pussy!" I heard. They kept yelling and banging on the door. I was surprised it didn't crash open yet. I grabbed my backpack and grabbed my phone. It was then that I realized nobody was going to help. Nobody at all. I reached around more in my backpack and noticed a piece of paper. Oh shit Tyler. I have his number maybe he can help!

I grab my phone and dial his number. I run into the stall farthest from the door to prevent the jocks from hearing. Tyler answered on the fourth ring. "Hey! What happened? Are you okay?" He said in a hurry. "I'm in the bathroom and they are banging on the door and I can't get out. Help me." I whispered. "Okay um I will go get my favorite teacher so she can help. She's really nice." he cheered. "O-okay but please hurry. I don't know how much longer the door is going to hold." I said nervously. "Don't worry Troye I got this." He then hung up.

"You're gonna have to come out eventually twat,"one of the boys shouted. "No no no. Make it stop. Please just make it stop." I whispered, my eyes filling with tears. I remembered the last time I said this. It was in my first class yesterday. I remembered it all too well. I had gotten the note. Wait. The note said if I didn't kill myself today was going to be hell for me. Did they plan this out? Those little bastards! I couldn't stop thinking and my wrist had starting itching. It was craving my blade. Craving my power to go numb. No. I can't think about it. I can't think about it.

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