Chapter 11|Heaven and Hell

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"Troye, we need to talk."

My head whipped towards Tyler's very serious tone. I was worried but I was secretly hoping that it would be about me. I wanted a way out but I just didn't know how to get the right kind of care, maybe Tyler could help me, I could be happy. Who was I kidding, that's a joke. I'm not going to get better. Although, with Tyler, I feel safe and almost, complete. Now to any normal human being, that would sound ridiculous. I've only known Tyler for about a week but it was so true. Tyler was different than any of the other people I've been friends with. I didn't have to try around him and even after he found out about my selfharm, he didn't leave. That was a huge surprise to me. He was trustworthy, he made me feel comfortable. That was not easy.

I realized that I had forgot to reply when my eyes met Tyler's again. His serious glare struck the thought of the topic back into my head.

"Okay, let's talk," I sighed.
"I know what you're going through Troye. I've been through it."
"What do you mean?" I knew exactly what he was talking about.

The thought dawned on me. It made me crumble. My throat constricted and my eyes grew wet, all threatening to break out and show Tyler how weak I was. I looked at him and his soft features made me feel safe once again, and I let it go.

My body shook violently as sobs coursed throughout my whole self. I could barely breath and my vision was blurred with tears, thoughts of my current state terrorizing me.

I felt Tyler's arms wrap around me, his skin pressed to mine. He shushed me and whispered "it's okay" over and over again. I just let myself go inside of his arms. He really did let me be me. I knew I could open up to him, after I let it all spill out in tears and silent screams; due to my voice giving up on me.

Tyler comforted me through all of the emotions. When my tears slowed and my breathing began to become what was considerably normal, I backed out of the hug, my eyes opened, and my world was seen again, in a different perspective. I wiped my eyes and looked into Tyler's shining blues. They were welcoming, making me feel like opening up to him and letting him in on my biggest secret.

We gazed into each other's eyes for a couple of minutes after that. I knew I was definitely going to tell him, but not like this. I needed us to be dry, dressed, and comfortable, I was none of those and I knew Tyler wasn't any of those either, based off of his awkward position and constant moving.

"Can we get dressed?" I ask, breaking the silence.
"Of course, of course," Tyler's sweet voice says calmly.

I get out of the tire swing, slowly, and pick Tyler up bridal style. I carry him in and all the way through the house, slow steps, utter silence, not a single noise could be heard. Tyler had his eyes closed, probably lost in thought. I was worried for this, but apparently he knew something, he got better so why wouldn't I?

I got to the top of the stairs and walked down the narrow hallway. When I got to my door, Tyler turned the handle for me and I shut it with my bum. After walking up the few steps, I sat Tyler on my bed.

"Do you want another outfit or are you going to wear what you had on earlier? I can get you something more comfortable, if you'd like it."
"Actually it would be really nice if I could have something more comfy. My other clothes were just supposed to look nice."
"Alright, I'm on it."

I walk over to my closet. I find one of my biggest oversized sweatshirts, it is a dark navy blue and would look super cute on Tyler. Along with that, I pick out some black sweatpants. They are a bit loose and super comfy. I then realize that Tyler needs underwear as well.

"Uh, Tyler, do you need briefs as well?" I ask.
"Oh, uh, yeah I do."

I sigh and walk over to my dresser and pull out a drawer. I pick out a black pair of boxer briefs and add them to my pile of clothing. I walk over towards Tyler and set the clothes on the bed.

"Are these alright? I just picked out comfy clothes since we probably aren't really going anywhere."
"Yes, this is perfect! Thank you Troye."
"Uh, alright. Well I'm going to go grab an outfit and then I will go to the bathroom so we can both change."
"I'm just going to change in here right now if that's alright with you," Tyler said.
"Oh, okay I will just hurry along then. Tell me when you're done and I can turn around. I will just change over here too, I guess."

I scurry off towards my closet. I was surprised at how Tyler was confident enough to change in the same room. I wasn't but I wouldn't let that stop me.

I got to the closet and grabbed a huge oversized black jumper and a big pair of black sweatpants, almost identical to the ones I picked out for Ty. I then rushed towards the dresser and pulled out another pair of black boxer briefs for myself. I walked over towards the darkest part of my room and ripped off my shirt. I threw on the oversized jumper and realized that it covered my backside, so I was safe. I pulled down the wet swim bottoms and pulled up the underwear and sweatpants. I was ready and dressed.

"Tyler, are you dressed?"
"Yes Troye, I am."

I grabbed the wet clothing off of the ground and turned around to get Tyler's bottoms when I saw him. He looked so perfect. Messy hair, no glasses, oversized clothes covering him. He was so gorgeous. His twinkling eyes met my own and I knew that we had something going for us. "Don't date someone you just met" my ass. I wanted him. I wanted to kiss his lips, I wanted to hold him at night, I wanted to wake up seeing what I see right now, a perfectly imperfect, Tyler.

The clothes hit the floor and I bolted over to his sitting figure. I crashed into him, causing both of us to fall down on my bed. I squeezed him oh so tight, as if he was the only thing I had in this world, and in a way, he was. His arms gripped my back and his head snuggled into my shoulder. We both readjusted and got into a more comfortable position. We were both on our sides, holding each other as close as physically possible.


His head backed out of my shoulder and his eyes landed on mine.

"What is this? I like, don't know what it is but I feel something. It's pulling us closer and I'm not sure what it is or why it's happening but I know it is real and it's consuming me," Tyler said.
"I feel it too. I'm not sure about you but I want to follow it's lead. I have a trust for you Tyler Oakley, and it's one I've never felt before."

I was completely shocked at what I just said to Tyler's face. There has never been a time in my life where I had enough courage to confess anything personal to anyone, not even on the phone let alone in person. Here this force was, allowing me to spill my heart into Tyler's mind. It was beautiful, unique, I wanted to see where this would take us.

Tyler's face lit up, as if he had just won the lottery. A smile grew upon his face and widened with every second. I felt my lips curve up to match his expression, a smile, glowing and real. Tyler's smile only grew when my mine formed.

"Hey Troye?"
"Smile with your teeth more often, it's absolutely stunning."

His eyes closed and he leaned forward. I matched his movement and met his lips in the middle.

We were connected, and nothing in the world could ruin the high I was on right now.

Nothing of course, except for what came bursting through the door, my worst nightmare.

HAHAHHA. IM EVIL! Okay sorry but there should be an update soon so don't kill me haha. Sorry for such a teeny chapter but after writing 40 pages in 3 days I needed a bit of a break. I will try and keep the chapters longer but school has started and I'm in cross country so the struggle is very real. Anyways LOVE YALL EVEN THOUGH YOU PROBABLY WANT TO DUNK MY HEAD IN WATER!!
Okie byyyyeee

Twitter: @/oakleyflopsivan

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