Chapter 12|Old Troubles

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There Troye and I were, lying on his bed, lips connected, bodies as close as possible, and then tragic strikes. I hear the door slam open and Troye bolts up. On his face rests an expression coated in shock, worry, and most of all, pure hatred.

In stomps his mom, her face full of rage. She looks as mean as a snake, ready to pounce upon her victim and release venom in their veins, and from the looks of it, that very thing was about to happen.

"Troye Sivan!" She hissed, "What have you done? You completely ditched us at lunch and after that you think it's okay to come back and wreck the house? Sage came in and slipped on the floor downstairs because of your wet messes. Did you go swimming? You're not allowed to go swimming alone, never do it again! Get out of my house you asshole!"

Troye stood up suddenly and scampered over to his closet. He pulled out a bag and shoved some outfits inside, making sure to add briefs and socks to the collection of clothing. He then ran into the washroom and pulled some things out of drawers and shoved them in his bag. When he appeared to be finished, he zipped up the bag and ran out. He grabbed me up and I laid in his arms. His mom had already ran off by this time.

"What are you doing Troye?"
"I'm going away."
"Where to?"
"I don't know Tyler, I don't know."
"Do you want to stay the night at my place?"
"Yeah, fine."

I grew relieved when he said that, at least I would know where he was instead of him being out and about on the streets, roaming everywhere with no home, he was safe with me. Of course I was still a nervous wreck because of this whole situation and I couldn't help but feel bad for him. His parents really were tough and that scared me more than anything. They could hurt him in non-illegal ways, like this. No home or food, that's not easy. What if they had done this before, where could he have gone?

Troye continued walking until he got down the stairs. He put me down lightly and handed me the crutches I was stuck with. I gripped them tightly and followed Troye's tall figure. When we got to the door he made sure to keep it open for me. His parents, and their car, was gone, probably driving off to go somewhere again.

Troye and I just walked to my house, considering we were neighbors after all. My mom's car was parked in the driveway, signifying that I would have to explain everything immediately. This kind of hurt me because right now I just wanted to speak with Troye. I could just give my mom an excuse for now and explain later, yeah that sounds like a good idea.

When we got to my door, I rang the bell, notifying my mother that her presence was needed. About a minute later the door opened and Queen Jackie waltzed out.

"Hey mom," I said.
"Hey honey, hi Troye. What are you all doing?" She asked.
"Oh Troye and I are just hanging out here."
"Alrighty, well come on in. I actually just baked a cake if you want some."
"I'm fine but Tyler can have some if he wants," Troye responded immediately.
"Okay Troye, do you want any Tyler?" She asked.

The truth is that I did because my mom made the best cakes but I knew I couldn't leave Troye to eat. He wasn't eating because of the eating disorder and I knew it but oh my, my mums cakes are the best.

"Uh, I will pass but maybe later," I finally said.

Her face was shocked. It wasn't a huge deal but she knows that nothing can stop me from munching on her cake, nothing.

"Oh, okay," she stuttered.

Troye and I walked up the stairs to my small room once again. I shut the door and plopped down on my bed, leaning my head on Troye's shoulder.

"Do you want to talk about it now or later?" I asked.
"Do I have a choice?" He responded.
"Why do you think I asked you?"
"Okay, true. How about now, just to get this over with."

I gasped and looked him in the eyes at the comment.

"Troye. I know this is not the best thing to be doing right now but you need to realize that this needs to happen! I'm not going to let you go through what I went through. That shit is not fun!"
"What have you gone through?" He said, quietly, under his breath.

Right then and there, I told Troye Sivan about the day I went to the hospital. I told every detail, including my father. I told him about the dizziness and hell that I felt. I told him about the pain I had caused my mom. I told all whilst looking up at the ceiling to prevent my eyes from seeing his reactions. I couldn't look at him while I fell apart. I was trying so desperately hard to fix him and by doing so I was allowing nightmares to crawl back into my head, slaughtering all of the happy thoughts left. I was no longer with Troye I was with a soon to be corpse if he kept this up. I wasn't alive and well, I was broken. I couldn't eat food, I was fat, enormous. Everything fled back into my mind as if the sky was angry and just started pouring. The storm cloud was above me and I couldn't get out this time. Break me once, I can recover. Break me twice, bury me six feet under.

Hey guys I apologize for not updating but a lot has been happening. I'm also sorry that this update is only 8 pages long and is absolute shit but I thought you guys might want an update at least. Here it is! Okay and Yall I'm meeting Tyler on October 22nd!! I'm making him a cool project and I want you all to be in it so check out the pinned tweet on @/oakleyflopsivan on Twitter! Thanks fam and that's it so goodbye I love Yall and I'm super sorry but I will try to update soon!!

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