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Lilly Russo pov

Waking up I look to see Ryan on top of me, he's hugging me.

"Ryan." I whisper poking his cheek.

"Mh." He hums, but not waking up.

"Wake up." I said.

"No, go back to bed." He says hugging me more.

"We have school and where late!" I lie.

He turns around fully on his side of the bed and grabs his phone from the nightstand.

"Lair! It's Saturday." He says as I giggle getting up.

"You're heavy." I blurt out. He looks at me smirking, I look at him back innocent as he chuckles.

"What time is it?" He ask.

"Five o'clock." I said as his eyes widen. I giggle.

"So you're a early bird, uh?" He asked as I nodded.

I sit down on the bed.

I look at Ryan to see him already looking at me.

"Did you sleep well, darling?" He asked me as he smiled.

Frowning  I say. "No, you snored to loud." His smile drops as I giggle.

"Do not!" He shouts defending himself.

"Yes you do!" I giggle.

He looks at me sitting up straight.

"You're lying, I would know if I snored." He says as I giggle.

"Well you do snore." I said.

He sighs. I burst out laughing as he tickles me.

"I don't snore." He says as he tickles me.

"Y - yes you do!" I shout giggling.

"Say I don't snore and I'll stop tickling you." He says.

"S - so you want me to lie?"


"I - you snore and it's the truth."  I said he then gets on top of me ticking me.

"I - can't breathe." I struggle out. Ryan stops tickling me as I caught my breath.

"You still snore." I said still trying to catch my breath.

"Meanie!" He shouts as my eyes widen.

"Am not!"

"Am too!"

"Am not!"

"Am t-" He says but gets cut off as the door slams open.

We watch as Lucas smile fades, his eyes widening.

"Hello!" I shout smiling.

Bella comes in along with the others as their smiles fades.

Ryan gets off of me.

"Am too." He whispers as my eyes widen.

"Big bully." I whisper back.

"How are you here?" Jake ask.

"Oh I slept here." I said casually as their eyes widen.

I don't get it. If their eyes keep widening it's going to pop out.

They walk towards us, their eyes on Ryan as he smirks.

My eyes widen with realization. "Oh don't worry we didn't have a sleep over! If we did I would've called you." I said as they chuckle.

"So inoccent." Bella says softly.

"Plus, you're lucky you didn't sleep by Ryan. He snores to loud." I said glari at Ryan, his eyes widen.

"Welp, I'll leave them come right back." I said getting up as they nod.

I grab my stuff putting on my clothes from yesterday.

After getting ready I leave.

Looking at the front door I sigh. Once I go in I'll be dragged to the floor.

Opening the door I step inside, I then close the door behind me.

Then I'm on the ground with a sting cheek.


I look up to see Jason, he looks mad. Really mad.

"You've been gone again. Every freaking morning. EVERY FREAKING MORNING!" He shouts grabbing a full fiest of my hair. I whimper, my eyes water with tears.

"Every freaking morning I wake up to expect my breakfast on the table freshly cooked. I home home except the house to be cleaned and lunch served once I sit down with your mother, and I expect the dinner be prepared. But noooo, there is no breakfast lunch ready the house cleaned and dinner ready, but no so where have you been?!" He shouts, spit landing on my face.

"I'm s - sorry. I was out with my friends." I honestly said.

Jason laughs looking at me. "Friends? Really, you couldn't find any other stupid excuse?" He asked.

"It's the truth." I said.

He looks at me for a minute. "If it's true then no this. You're a famous girl, they're probably using you. They're probably using you because you're worthless and a naive little girl." He says.

"You are lucky you're living under a roof." He said.

"Go to your room. I'll be there in a little bit." He ordered,  letting go of my hair I quickly get up and run to my room.

I wipe my tears closing the door.

My chin wobbles. And it hate it.

I hate how I'm so sensitive.

A few minutes later the door opens revealing Jason.

I gaulp as he smiles.

"You're a pretty girl, you know that?" He asked me.

I don't feel pretty I feel disgusted. That's how I've always felt.

Ryan pov

Bella comes back in the room.

"Lilly said she's not coming, she said she didn't feel good." Bella says sitting down sighing, I frown.

"Oh please I'm stuck with you guys." Bella says looking at me as I laugh.

She seemed better earlier.

Sorry for the hold up but here you guys go. If you guys where reading Found. On the 10th the second book Lost will be posted.

Counted words: 864

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