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Anais woke up to Zion who was unbuckling himself from the car,she didnt understand why she was in the car,she had school today and yet...
Zion gazed at her "Good your awake..." he sighed,Zions green eyes were red and troubled."What...why.." Then she remembered why she was there.She remembered her mothers head being decapitated right in front of her as she heard the thumping sound of the head fall to her bedroom ground.Her hands were suddenly gripping to her side turning away from him but Zion grabbed her head and turned her around to face him."Be strong Anais,I will protect you thats a promise,you hear me?" "Zion.." "Now..now you can cry..."
Anais face burst into tears and she leaned onto his chest.His arms wrapped around her "Come on get off the car we need to get some sleep okay?" 
Anais nodded and gazed at the broken window "Who broke your window?" "I'll get it fixed later." Anais followed him into a hotel "Wait..I dont have money..." "Dont worry thats what big brothers are here for right...now listen I want you to act completely normal,no suspicions."
"Zion....Im not your sister remember.."
Zions eyes widened and he looked ahead "Sorry...I got confused.."
Anais followed him,taking slow breaths as she layed a final glance at the almost sun peaking over the sky.She was so tired.
"How much for a room?"
"Twenty five a day and night." "Okay I'll take two days." "Okay I need you both to sign here for the lovers room.
Zion didnt seem like the comment affected him instead he smiled "Yes that would be nice."
The lady handed him the key which had the number '5' on it and he took Anais's hand in his.
She gazed up at Zion the one who she called brother.The one she would lay with when she were having a nightmare.
He was still the same and it wasnt his fault,he didnt know a thing,she had noone to blame for her being naive.
"Zion-" he shook his head "Not now." Anais gazed at the ground wondering if she had done something wrong.
"We're here."
Zion unlocked the door and Anais followed him from behind.
"Are you mad?" "Why would I be?" "Well...I dont know..." Zion smiled"Sorry that I made you think that."
Zion plopped down on the bed ignoring its heart shape pillows."Zion.." "I dont know whats going on all I know is...we both are going to try our best okay..now get some sleep." he scooted to the far right corner but even by his height he covered most of the bed.Anais slowly made it there and layed down."Isnt it weird...sleeping together now..now that you know im not your sister?" Zion shrugged "Your still my sister." Anais didnt smile instead she wanted to break down to tears,every single time she blinked she saw her mothers panicked face,she didnt say bye,instead she ran away from the truth.
Zion turned to see Anais,tears falling from her face."Anais..I know...I know its hard.." "You try to smile..but I know you to well...you want to cry..you want to break down...but you want to be the strong one..I thought I was strong....I can't..I dont want to live Zion." "Now dont you say that..Im sure mom would want you to live."
His voice sounded weak at the end but he couldnt dare cry in front of her.
"Its okay...you can cry with me..." he took her in his arms silent tears falling from his face.
"Im sorry..." Anais shook her head "There's no need...to be.."
Anais washed her face and looked at herself in the dirty glass mirror.Thoughts entered through her mind and they began to circle in annoyance.
Stupid.Useless.You let your mother die.
She slammed her fists into the mirror shattering it to pieces,glass entered her skin,yet she couldn't feel anything,She was numb,she didnt even feel the tears running down her pale cheeks.

Dad!!!Farrah ran into the bedroom to see a man with dark brown hair a bit of his white hair struck out and he smiled at the small girl with the light golden brown hair placed into two neat ponytails."Daddy why are you still sleeping?" the mans dark eyes showed he lacked sleep and was in need of it desperately.
"Im so sleepy even the sky cant stay awake with me." the man smiled and she giggled.Zion stood quietly aside watching,instead his hair was white like snow something even Zion wouldn't remember but Anais could only recall it that time seeing it that way.
"Just tell her the truth.." Anais turned to the side to see Zions stoned face.The old man remained smiling gesturing for the young boy to approach him."Zion you take care of Anais,take very good of her." then the man leaned in to whisper in his ear "You know your a very smart kid,you know why your dad brought you here right?" Zion nodded and gazed back at Anais."I will take care of her." the man patted the boys head gently and Zion froze.
Zion gazed confusingly around the room and back at the man that he had to call his father now."Dad..." Anais ran to Zions side grabbing his larger hand from his."Its a promise."
He gazed back at his dad for the longest before leaving the room.
Farrah entered a sad expression on her face."Why?" "Its not safe to keep his memories I just needed him to know he could reassure himself and when im gone somewhere in his heart...he will know he made a promise."

Anais remembered little.She only took sight in her father's voice and his soapy smell.Even if he wasnt their for long she felt him.His strong protective barrier inside of Zion.
"I know your there." She turned to see a blonde haired guy with brown stormy eyes but before she could make an attempt to scream he had her in his clutches.
"Shh I won't hurt you,I came for you." she stared up at the boy,a familiar wave washed over her and she pushed the boy away causing the shampoos to fall.
"Who are you!" The blonde boy shook his head."Im your-" But the door crashed and an angry Zion had entered his hair white,he lifted up the blonde young man by his collar and the blonde didnt make a force to stop him."Prince if you would allow me to speak-" "Like damn hell I will!"
"Anais is my sister!"

~sup guys hope you enjoy my book!Ive finally made a longer chapter I hope it was worth it!!

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