Chapter 1

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First Encounter


•First Year•

"I have to go now mommm," I made an attempt to separate myself from the woman but she didn't budge.

"Oh okay, I'm just gonna miss you so much," she gave me a kiss on the forehead before finally releasing me.

I began to fix my hair before grabbing my bag and the crate that held my new companion.

"Bye, love you," I said making my way to the train's entrance.

"Remember to write us !" My father chimed in before I got on.

"I will!"

While walking onto the train I looked into the compartments for the first years, trying to see where to sit. There were no empty ones left so I guess I have to sit with someone.

I peeked through the window and saw a pretty girl with red hair that looked like it was glowing because the way the light hit it.

I slid open the door "Do you mind if I sit here ? All the other compartment are taken."

She seemed to perk up at me wanting to sit with her. "Yes of course ! I'm waiting for a friend but you can join us. I'm Lily"

"Vera," I reached my hand out to shake hers, then went to put up my bag. I sat across from her and when I placed the crate next to me it seemed to get her interest.

"What pet did you get ?"

I placed my hand on the little crate, "a ferret...your owl is pretty."

Her owl closed it's eyes for a moment in appreciation before whistling.

"Her name's Cyra, what about yours?"

"His name is Marsh, I would show you him but he's passed out cold."

She let out a giggle even though I didn't intend to be funny, but I smiled, finding her laugh cute.

It wasn't long before train started moving, and Lily's friend had walked in.

She introduced me to him, says his name is Severus. They engaged in their own conversation that I couldn't keep up with since they seemed have been close friends for awhile now.

I didn't mind much, I pulled out the book I've been reading and used their voices as background noise.

Halfway on our ride, someone slammed the door open.

"Have you guys seen a rat-," he cut himself off, eyes locked on lily, "wow"

Wow indeed.

The sun shined on his face, putting the boy's beautiful blue eyes on full display. They were shielded by his round glasses that brought even more attention to his eye.

He then displayed a goofy smile, "I'm James" he said in dream like tone, "what's your name?"

"uh.." Lily glanced at me and Severus who had an annoyed look on his face, "Lily."

"Lily," He repeated in the same tone.nb 

"Uh yeah, Wha-"

She was cut off by a boy with longer hair grabbing James and yelling, "WE FOUND HER JAMES, THE RAT WAS IN SOME SLYTHERIN'S HAIR" his voice and laughter dying out as they went further from us.

"What just happened," Lily said after a moment of silence.

"I think someone likes you," I teased

"Shut up!" Her cheeks almost turning as bright as her hair.

That made me laugh more but seeing Severus' face I thought I might have said something wrong, "I'm only kidding. Even if he did like you that crush would leave just as fast as it came."

Who knew how wrong I would be.


•The Day Before Sixth Year•

Dear Diary,

If I could describe James Potter in one word, I would use dedicated.

Or maybe he's just stupid.

It has to be one of them.

There's no other way he'd have the mindset to ask Lily out again and again and again and so on. Especially since she rejects the poor boy repeatedly, and humiliatingly may I add. And he still thinks he has a chance ! The boy is delusional.

If I was rejected that many times surely I'd given up. That's why I don't confess my feelings and just admire from afar.

....maybe i'm a little delusional too.

It's been 4 years since I finally came to terms with my feelings for James. But it's quite clear he only sees me as a friend. Kinda of sad and embarrassing, I know.

I don't know why I like him so much, sometimes it angers me. Sometimes I understand why he won't give up on Lily.

She's perfect.

Even though we're in separate houses, she still remains one of my best friends. 

I see Lily often, but that also means I'm often tortured by the sight of James throwing himself at her. I won't lie, her rejection brings me peace. If only he knew how to take a hint.

My stomach twists in knots just thinking about seeing him tomorrow and having to deal with his constant pining after Lily for another year.

Or maybe this year, is the year I finally get over my feelings for James Potter.


Vera A.

Vera A

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