Chapter 8

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It's a Date


"You can't be serious?" I said in annoyance.

"Sorry Prongs, it wasn't on purpose," Remus said feeling genuinely bad.

"I just don't get how I'm the only one without a date to tomorrow's Hogsmeade trip," I was actually shocked. Sirius was to be expected, Remus had finally worked up the courage to ask Lane, but even Peter has a date ???

"You could come with me if you'd like," Peter offered.

"I'm not third wheeling, that's more embarrassing than going alone," I scrunched my face at the thought.

"Then just get a date?" Sirius said as if it was the most simplest solution, "Today's not fully over, you still have time to ask someone."

My eyes flickered down the table where Lily was sat.

"Why don't you ask Vera," Remus suggested.

I felt a weird sensation hearing her name but I shook it off, "Why would I ask her?"

He shrugged with a smirk, "I just thought you guys were getting along really well last weekend."

I felt my face heat up a bit.

"Yeah, you basically spent my whole birthday party with her," Sirius snickered.

"As friends. Vera is cool, but we all know I'm going to end up with Lily," I ignored the eye roll from Remus and glance over at Lily again.

"Then maybe you can ask her as friends, you don't need a date just cause we have one," Peter pointed out.

I looked over to the Ravenclaw table and easily found her. She was laughing at something Lane was saying. "We haven't really talked much since then party," I admitted quietly, "I don't know why."

"I think she'd say yes if you asked her," Remus glanced behind him to see her.

I looked over at Lily then Vera, but I already knew who I was going to ask.

I stood up from my seat as a saw her getting up and making her way out of the Great Hall.

"I'll be back," I don't wait for them to reply, I rushed and even jogged a little catch up with her.

She turned around for a second probably hearing my footsteps. Her face scrunched in confusion seeing me stop in front of her.

"Hey Lily," I cleared my throat trying not to cringe at myself. "Sorry, I just wanted to ask you something."

"What do you want Potter," She said already sounding annoyed.

"Well, I know it's last minute, but I was wondering if you would want to go to the Hogsmeade trip with me tomorrow?" I said pretending that I didn't expect her to say no, but hoping she would say yes.

" No, I already have a date tomorrow."

"Yeah I understand-" I paused finally processing what she said, "wait you have a date?"

Tunnel Vision // James PotterWhere stories live. Discover now