Chapter 2

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My Mashed Potato's are Bedazzled


•Sixth Year•

Making my way down the aisle of the train I look into the compartments trying to locate my friends. When I finally find them I realize Im the last one here.

Lily and Marlene are sat next to each other with Lane and Alice across from them.

I met Lane after I was sorted into Ravenclaw, me and Lily merged our friends together and it worked perfectly.

I was greeted with a chorus of hellos and excitement.

I set my bag under my seat and I took marsh from my shoulders and handed him to Lane.

I positioned myself near the door getting a good look at all of them. I grabbed the camera that always hangs around my neck and lifted it up.

"You guys already know the drill," I said positioning it so I could look through the viewfinder.

I believe pictures hold memories, so I capture the ones I'm scared to forget. I've grown a liking to taking photos because it brings me comfort. My friends like it too which is good since they're in most of them. Every school year starts by taking a picture of my favorite people.

They instantly went to pose, Marlene grabbing Alice and Lily and pulling them in close to her. She had Alice stretched over from the other side of the compartment, holding both of them in place with her arms secured over of them. Lane immediately dropped to her knees setting herself in the middle and holding her hands out to display a stretched out Marsh. The ferret didn't move, already used to Lane handling him whatever way she pleased.

I snapped the photo with a wide grin just as big as all of theirs.

"How was that," Marlene asked, always excited to pose for my photography.

"It was perfect," I said despite the undeveloped polaroid still being blank. I didn't have to see it to know it was amazing, and in a few seconds when the picture is revealed I would just be proven right.

Once I settled in my seat the girls were quick to update me on what they we're talking about. We chatted about random things but our main focus was what we each did for summer.

Suddenly the door slid open.

Of course the universe had to ruin my peace. Every time you forget about James Potter, he always shows up to remind you that he exists.

He presented Lily with a a small bouquet and enchanted butterflies that flew around them.

"Lily will-"

"No," she cuts him off immediately, "for the millionth time, NO ! and I'll say no a million more times"

His smile wavered a bit before he smirked, "I guess I have to ask you a million AND ONE more times before you say yes" 

She looked bewildered by his stupidity, "LEAVE"

"Whatever you say, Lilly-pad" He finally turned to acknowledge the rest of us, "girls, Vera" He nodded towards us as to say bye before leaving.

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