Chapter 9

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The Kiss


"Where is she?" James asked while looking around like crazy.

"Can't believe you already lost her."

We were currently at Hogsmeade trying to find Lily to see what her mystery man looked like.

"I saw the back of his head, he looked tall but I think i'm taller," He said trying to ease his ego.

"Can we just go inside a store already, i'm freezing," I complained, I forgot my scarf and gloves and he had me standing in the cold.

He quick took his scarf off and wrapped it around my head then went back to looking for Lily.

It was a good think he wasn't looking at me cause I know for sure my face was red. The smell of his cologne wrapped around me and I took it in as well as the warmth. I wasn't cold anymore, but I was still bored.

"Can we go to Honeyduke, I wanna buy some more sweets."

He groaned in annoyance.

"Lily might be in there," I added.

"Let's go," He instantly started making his way.


"She's not here," James frowned.

He did a lap around the store and had no luck.

"We'll find her," I reassured still looking at all the different small bags of Lollipops on the shelf.

"What are you doing?"

"I can't decide which flavor to get," I said still looking between three of them, "blue raspberry, cherry or lemon."

"Ew, no lemon. blue or cherry," he scrunched his nose narrowing my options.

"Yeah I don't think I even wanted Lemon to begin with," I said, "I think-"


I turned around to see who called me. I see Calum, the Hufflepuff boy I sit next to in Transfiguration.

"Oh hey," I smile at him softly. "James this is Calum. Calum, James," I introduced the two.

"Nice to meet you," James went to reached out to shake his hand but I don't think Calum noticed. He tuned his attention back to me.

"I wasn't sure if it was you, I thought you said weren't coming today," He pointed out glancing at James.

"That was before I asked her," James said in a strange tone but he smiled, stepping closer to me.

They shared a look but I didn't wanna question it.

"Yeah, uhm It was a last minute thing really," I said to Calum.

"Oh like a date?" he questioned carefully

"Yes" "No," James and I said at the same time. I looked at him in confusion, which he just shrugged off.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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