Chapter 3

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Feelings Revealed


"How do we only have two classes together," Lane wined. Holding our schedules that we were just given.

"Ik," I said grabbing a piece of bacon, "but our free period after class overlaps a little so we can hang then too."

"I guess," she took a bite of her cereal.

We finished our breakfast and prepared to head into different directions.

"I'll see you in charms," I said as she hugged me goodbye.

Transfiguration went well, even thought I didn't know anyone. I sat next to a nice Hufflepuff boy but he seemed shy so we didn't really talk much.

Potions was next and I was pretty early. I took a seat and opened a book up to pass the time. I only looked up once when a random girl sat by me, but I went back to reading after returning her smile.

"Excuse me," I lifted my head to the familiar voice. James sent me a smile as I looked up but returned his attention to the girl since he was talking to her, "do you mind if we switch seats? Darren over there is a sweet guy but he kinda hates me."

The girl looked back to see who James was talking about, "Oh yeah sure, no problem."

He thanked her as she collected her stuff and moved two desks down.

He plopped into the seat next to me before glancing behind him then leaning towards me and whispering, "he actually doesn't hate me..I also don't even know his name."

I laughed, "why would you tell her that then?"

"I wanted to sit next to you, what if she said no!"

"Wanted to sit next to me that bad huh?" I joked but my heart was racing.

"Yeah, last time I sat next to you, I passed my class like nothing," he held his head high, " I guess sitting by you is good luck"

"Or maybe it's just cause you'd copy off all of my work," I pointed out.

"Wait you knew?," he said genuinely believing I didn't notice.

"You're not very stealthy James."

"I am so," he argued like a child.

"Sure you are"


"Can I see your schedule?" James asks now that class was finally over.

I passed it to him and I began to pack my things away. We both stood up and when I attempted to retrieve it he pulled it closer to him.

"We have charms next," He said before leave with my schedule so I would follow him.

"You know If you wanted to walk together you could've just asked," I said before I snatched the paper away from him.

"I know but I like to annoy you."

I rolled my eyes bit still shared his smile slightly, "So how many classes do we share?"

Tunnel Vision // James PotterWhere stories live. Discover now