Chapter 7

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"I told Marlene that we would meet them outside before it was time to go on the Hogsmeade trip." Lane said taking a bite from her breakfast.

The great hall wasn't that crowded since it was Saturday morning.

"Okay then we-" I cut myself off.

I tensed at someone sitting down next to me and putting their arm around my shoulders, but I relaxed when I realized it was just Sirius.

James grabbed Sirius' arm and unwrapped it from my shoulders before straddling the bench on the other side of me so his body could face us. "Sorry about him Vera."

Peter and a shy looking Remus sat next to Lane.

"Not that I don't enjoy your guy's company, but why are you here," I asked looking at all of them.

Sirius grabbed a grape from my plate and plopped it into his mouth, "Well I wanted to officially invite you ladies to a party tonight in our common room."

"A party?" Lane asked excitedly at the same time I asked confused.

Sirius grabbed another grape and reached in front of me to hand it to James.

"It's kinda a late Halloween party," James said as he grabbed my shoulder and gently pushed me to lean back a little. "You know, since it was on a Thursday this year."

"Boooo thursday," Sirius scrunched his nose in disgust. Before opening his mouth to catch the grape James was about to throw.

He caught it and they both raised their hands in celebration then high-fived in front of me.

I gave Lane an unamused expression but that made her smile grow even wider

"It also an early birthday party," Remus mentioned.

"For who," Lane asked.

"Sirius of course," Peter leaned forward, "we're have the party today since his birthday's tomorrow and it's a school night."

"Boooo school," Sirius scrunched his nose again. He went for another grape but I smacked his hand away which made him pout.

"Will you come ?" James asked looking at me.

I looked at Lane, "uh-"

"We'll definitely be there," She confirmed.

I glanced at Remus who was beaming next to her. I smirk at an idea that popped into my head, "yes we will, we'll see you guys tonight."

"Make sure you guys dress up, only rule for tonight is to have a costume," James ruffled my hair before standing up.

I smacked his hand only to realize it was a distraction to let Sirius steal the rest of my grapes.

He shoved them in his mouth then hurriedly stood up to go back to their table.


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