Chapter 6

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Girls Night


"I'm so excitedddd," Lane squealed.

I laughed as I grabbed Marsh's carry on, filling it with his things.

It was Saturday night and the girls invited Lane and I to have a sleepover in their dorm. We don't do this often, but we haven't spent much time together since school started so we thought it was necessary.

"Hey have you talked to Lily about James.." Lane brought up quietly.

I felt my self stiffen up, I forgot I told Lane about what James said to me two weeks ago. "No, why?"

"I just don't want you to feel weird around her.." She said carefully.

It did hurt hearing that she hesitated to say no to him. Maybe she was starting to like him, I couldn't really blame her though. If anything I was just sad because she actually has a chance with him and I don't.

I looked at Lane and gave her a reassuring smile, "Lily's my friend, I wouldn't let a boy change that."

"Good, cause I don't think she likes him." She looked positive but how could she know for sure.

"Yeah, you're right," I agreed with her even tho I wasn't fully sure.

"And you don't believe me," she pointed out. She knew me better than I thought. She wined my name when I didn't answer.

"What if the only thing stopping her from saying yes is me," I finally tell her what's been stressing me out. Its been on my mind and I tried not to say it but I trust Lane.

"You know that's not true Vera." She grabbed my hand in comfort, "you're gonna talk to her today."

My eyes widened and I tried to protest, "Lane-"

She cut me off, "No, you're going to talk to her. It's the only way to put your mind at ease."

"Fine, I'll talk to her about it." I sighed in defeat.


"I'm so excited you guys are staying the night, I got face masks stocked up and we even have snacks," Alice gushed on the way to their common room.

Lily, Alice, and Marlene met us halfway because they wanted to walk with us.

Lane pinched my arm and gave me a face. She wanted me to talk to Lily now instead of waiting. I glanced at the other, how do I ask to talk to her alone without it being awkward?

Lane touched Alice and Marlene's arm, "Race you!," She shouted before running.

Marlene was quite competitive so she didn't hesitate to follow, pulling Alice with her since she knew she wouldn't run if she didn't.

Lily stayed by me as we laughed at them. I have to remember to thank Lane for that later.

"Hey Lily, can I talk to you about something."

She looked a little worried, "of course, is everything alright?"

"Yeah, It's about James."

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