Chapter 4

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 Wedding Photographer



Dear Diary,

It's been over a month since school started. I fear sitting next to James makes me stupider by the hour.

...I should be more kind to him, we make good conversation. We've become closer but every time I start enjoying it too much, he brings up Lily. What a cruel continuous cycle.

Speaking of becoming closer, I've grown a liking towards Remus. He studies with me on weekends and we often trade sweets. He's going to make a lovely boyfriend for Lane. I approve.

I wish this Saturday was one of our study sessions but sadly I have to meet up with James for our Ancient Runes assignment.

Someone please save me...


Vera A.


"Leaving for your date with James?" Lane teased as I was packing my bag.

I felt the blush on my cheeks and glared at her, "It's not a date, It's for class."

"James doing work, yeah right," she laughed, "where are you meeting him anyways?"

"We were gonna do the library but he asked if we could work in his common room instead."

"His common room!" She sat up. " he actually means his room room and he's gonna try to make a move on you" she wiggled her eyebrows, "I knew he didn't just want to do school work!"

"Shut up," I threw one of my pillows at her face and she fell dramatically.

"You've wounded me," she said laying like I shot her.

"Byeee Lane," I made my way to the door.

"and now you're just leaving me here!"

"Take care of Marsh for me okay," I say closing the door.

I hear her muffled yells, "FINE GO. MARSH IS MORE FUN THAN YOU ANYWAY."


I waited for James in front of the portrait of the Fat Lady who was currently singing.

Honestly I was quite enjoying it, especially the reactions from people when they would walk by. I even clapped for her when she was done which she very much appreciated.

She began to sing another but James finally came out.

"Sorry to keep you waiting"

I followed him into the common room that was currently occupied with a few students, "It's alright, I wasn't out there long"

I looked around, I've been here before but not many times. It's just as warm as I remember, and noisy.

"We can head to my room, the others aren't here so it'll be a little more quieter."

I followed behind him but my face felt hot when I remembered what Lane had said earlier. Of course I knew she was wrong and he wouldn't make a move, but the thought still burned my cheeks.

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