Space Isn't As Scary With You

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Song : Define Dancing by Thomas Newman
Universe : Kelvin

Plot : Spock has finally asked the Dr. out, and for their first date, he has decided to take him stargazing in the observation lounge. Leonard is a little nervous for both the vast emptiness of space and the date, but realises just how buetiful space is. And just how much he likes Spock.

Triggers : Anxiety, Facing Fears

Relationship : Spock x McCoy (Dating)


Space. It was were the legendary Dr Leonard Horatio McCoy lived and worked, and he was terrified of it. Space was an empty black void waiting to swallow you up, and if it didn't swallow you up, there was a disease put there that would. Many people knew of his aversion to the great black hole that awated them outside the ship, including there resident Vulcan, Spock. Which made this alittle worse.

A first date was always anxiety inducing, but add Star Gazing on the observation deck to that, and it made it 10 times worse. Just him, Spock, and a very large window into the very thing that terrified him. When he told Jim about this, he had suggested asking Spock to do something else for a first date, but Spock had seemed actually excited at the idea of spending the night under the stars with Leonard that he didn't want to crush his spirit.

So when it came time to for the date, Leonard found himself nervously walking back and fourth in his quarters, waiting for Spock to come and get him. His hands were slightly sweaty and he wasn't sure what he was going to say or do, but he hoped the date would end well, and maybe they could have a second date. Leonard would be choosing what they did for that one though, and it wasn't going to involve staring at space.

Soon enough there was a buzz from the comm, making Leonard clear his throat and stop pacing, taking a deep breath as he called out for the person to enter. As soon as the doors opened, Leonard was left speechless. Spock looked amazing- not that he didn't always look amazing- but this time it was different. He wasn't in his uniform, just a some plain black trousers with a white shirt on. It felt intimate for some reason, to see Spock in clothing that wasn't his uniform, and Leonard couldn't say it didn't feel nice to be allowed to see such a thing.

" look good- great even..I like your shirt." Leonard said, his voice shaking slightly from anxiety. He was met with a small smile, something Leonard was seeing more of recently, and and arm for him to take. "You look very handsome, Leonard. Would you like to talk my arm as we walk?" Spock asked gently, a tone Leonard had come to realize was only used with him. He blushed at the compliment, nodding alittle as he took the others arm. Holding hands on the first date, for humans, didn't seem like much but for Vulcans? That wasn't probably the norm, but Spock seemed to have come up with a good alternative.

As they began to head to the observation deck, Leonard took a deep breath, every step they took leading him closer to a window he would avoid looking at for the evening. "Are you okay Leonard?" Spock asked, clearly noticing that he had taken a deep breath. Leonard nodded quickly, smiling at him to try and remain as calm looking as he could. "Yes! Yeah just....nervous, ya know..first date and all. Anyway, why uh- why did you pick the...observation deck for our date?" Leonard asked, hoping to make alittle conversation before they got inside, where he was hoping he didn't freeze up.

"Ah, that is too be expected. I am glad you said yes to my offer. As to why I chose the observation deck, I am away you are not the biggest fan of space, but there is a very beautiful Nebula we are passing, and I thought you may want to see it." Spock said, glancing to Leonard before back to where they were walking. "Though, if you do not wish to go to the observation deck, we could find something else to do." He added on, but Leknard quickly shook his head. It was clear Spock was looking forward to seeing this Nebula, and as much as he hated space, the idea they he had been chosen to view such a wonderful thing with he other was so sweet that he couldn't so no.

"It is true I do space, I am actually kind of excited to see this Nebula now. Plus, I'm sure I'll be long as you don't leave me alone in there." He said and looked at Spock as they stood still, just outside of the observation deck. "Of course not, Leonard. I will be beside you the entire time." He said and gently unhooked there arms before opening the door and stepping in.

Leonard smiled softly at Spock's words before taking a deep breath and stepping inside next to the other, his eyes very quickly looking outside the large window infront of them. He felt his stomach do flips in his body, and quickly took Spocks arm again. "You are sure you want to stay? I really do not mind if you wish to do something else." Spock said, using that same tone as earlier that was just for Leonard. "No. Really- I'll be fine..let's just sit down and you can tell me about the Nebula. I'm sure you've already done all the research you can on it." He teased, a small smile in his face as he looked up at Spock.

Spock noticeably blushed slightly at that, before leading Leonard over to a set of two chairs facing eachother, sitting down on one of them and waiting for Leonard to do the same. Leonard was grateful Spock hadn't chosen seats facing the window, sitting towards eachother would be easier for conversation, but also if he wanted to look away from the black nothingness that awaited him.

Spock quickly began to explain all they knew about the Nebula, and Leonard found it very easy to sit and listen to the other happily relaying the information. It was nice to see Spock more relaxed, speaking in a less emotionless tone. It wasn't often Leonard saw that in him.

After an hour of discussion on the Nebula, Spock turned to look out the window, smiling softly to himself. "There is the Nebula. It is a shame we cannot stay closer to it for longer. It is stunning." He said, his eyes fixated on the beautiful bright blue Nebula.

Leonard slowly turned his head to finally look outside, taking a deep breath. He couldn't help but be in awe at what he saw, quickly understanding why Spock had grown to like the Nebula so much. It was gorgeous.

They sat in a comfortable silence for a moment because Leonard looked back at Spock. "Maybe space is more beautiful thank I thought...but only with you."

The musical story of Mr Spock and Dr. Leonard Horatio McCoy.Where stories live. Discover now