Step One

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Song : Ghost Of Chicago by Noah Floersch 

niverse : Original Series

Plot : Spock couldn't help but let his mind wander while working, feeling things he hadn't thought he would ever feel before, shocking himself when he comes to a realisation regarding the CMO.

Triggers : (I don't believe there are any, but if there is and I missed, let me know!)

Relationship : Spock x McCoy (Get Together)


It was not often something could distract Spock from his work, but after mindlessly staring down at his current experiment without actually doing anything, he had to accept that maybe this something- or someone- was different.

Leonard had always been different to Spock, someone who wasn't afraid to argue his feelings on a matter, who didn't care where he was from or what his upbringing had been, a person who saw him for him and still stayed around. If Spock could tell what exactly his feelings were about said Doctor, he probably wouldn't have been staring at the table with no more progress on his experiment than when he walked in and sat down a good 30 minutes ago. Then again, Leonard had never liked to make things easy for Spock.

Spock had learned to feel what true friendship was on board the enterprise, regarding Jim and Leonard as the people who finally let him experience such a feeling. Jim was his closest friend and Leonard was- Leonard was- Spock wasn't sure.

He knew that once upon a time they had been unfriendly towards each other, but as they got to know one another, Spock and Leonard had become good friends, now though? Something had shifted. Something had changed. He wasn't sure when, or what exactly, but he knew it was different. Spock would be lying if he said he hadn't liked this shift, even if he was still trying to understand it.

It was often now that Spock and Leonard would eat dinner together, sitting opposite each other as they discussed how their day had been or talked about their current mission. Sometimes they spoke about books or new fauna they had found, and sometimes they didn't speak at all, instead choosing to eat in a comfortable silence together while unwinding from what was usually a stressful day. He couldn't remember when that had become normal.

Leonard had invited him over to discuss different subjects more often, and Spock had done the same, spending a good few hours debating several topics in the comfort of one of their quarters. It was something rather intimate they shared together, and the first few times it was clear they were both getting used to that, but that too had become normal relatively soon as well. Now they found themselves in either his own or Leonard's quarters almost daily after eating there evening meal together in the Mess Hall.

The reason he had begun to think about all this had come from an earlier reaction he had to something Leonard said that day. They were discussing a few things regarding their current mission over dinner, something that was practically daily at this point, and Spock had frozen at something the other said. He had not just frozen up with nothing to say, he had blushed.

It wasn't something he found himself doing often- if ever- and he certainly hadn't done so in front of Leonard before, but there he had been, sat in front of the other, cheeks a bright shade of green. He hadn't been able to get the words out of his head, seemingly on repeat in the back of his mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10 ⏰

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