A Little Imperfection Is Nice

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Song : The Bug Collector by Hayley Heynderickx
Universe : Kelvin

Plot : After only dating for a few weeks, Spock is trying his best to make sure everything goes perfect for their date night, sadly it doesn't and Leonard needs to reasure him that thats okay.

Triggers : Not sure if there are any?

Relationship : Spock x McCoy (Kelvin)


The past four weeks of Leonards life had been some of the happiest he had ever experienced. There had been no deadly disasters abored the ship, there had only been a few minor injurys, and the most important was Spock. Him had Spock's relationship was starting strong, and the past few weeks of dating him had been amazing. He had never thought Spock would be so gentle and caring, but behind closed doors, Spock was the softest and gentlest person Leonard had ever known. It was refreshing to have someone so loving after his past relationship went so sour.

Tonight was there weekly date night. They had agreed that because how busy it could get on a Starship, and because they both valued alone time aswell as time together, that they should have a designated day for a date each week. It meant that even if there week was busy, there was still time to spend an evening and a meal with eachother. Luckily, there wasn't much going on recently, so they had been able to spend more than on evening meal together a week. That didn't mean they wouldn't have their date though.

Spock had offered to cool Leonard a traditional Vulcan meal for dinner, then they would watch an old documentary about the ocean Leonard had found. He hoped Spock would like it, he had spent awhile trying to find the perfect thing for them to watch. As he made his way to Spock's quarters, Leonard's smile grew on his face. Spending time with the other was always nice. Sure, they still had there bickering and debates, but there was no malace behind any of it. It was how they worked, and Leonard was glad it had stayed that way through these early days of the relationship.

He soon got to the door and buzzed the comm to be let in, the doors opened practically instantly, and Leonard quickly walked in. He could smell Spock's amazing cooked in the kitchen and quickly headed over to see what he was up too. "Hey Spock, whatever your making, smells amazing." He said, watching as Spock turned from the pan he was looking at to look at him, a smile now on his face. "Hello Leonard, I am glad the smell is pleasing to you. I chose a Vulcan dish very similar to other foods and flavours you like, so I am hopeful you enjoy it." He said before turning back to the stove.

Leonard couldn't help but smile wider at Spocks words. He was always so considerate. He stood next to Spock at the stove and leaned up to kiss his cheek. "I am sure I will love it." He said and looked back to the stove. There looked to be some kind of curried vegetables, some potatoes boiling and what looked to be rice. Whatever it was, it all looked amazing.

Spock hummed alittle at his words, clearly focused on making sure the food was all cooked properly, so Leonard went and sat on the island in the center of the kitchen. It was nice to see Spock in this domestic kind of way. Most of the time he was on the bridge making sure everything ran smoothly, or on an away mission making sure no-one died, so this was a nice change of pace.

"So, I found this old documentary about the ocean I thought we could we after we eat- or while we eat- whatever. Thought you might like it, compare the old ocean to the new one." He said and smiled at the back of Spocks head, earning a small nod.

Leonard frowned alittle at that response, but decided to ignore it for now. "So, what's this dish called? Will I be able to actually pronounce it?" He asked, hoping for an actual response this time, only to be met with Spock groaning in what was clearly frustration. "Spock? You okay? Want some help?" Leonard asked, hopping down of the island and moving back to stand next to Spock.

Spock sighed and chucked the spatula into the pan with a groan. "I..I'm sorry- I messed it up.." He said quietly, a small frown on his face. Spock stared at the pan, looking frustrated. "I mean..I think it smells and looks pretty good, I don't think you messed it up." Leonard said and gently rubbed Spock's back. This was new. Why was Spock apologising? He hadn't even burned it.

Spock moved away from the touch and turned the oven and stove off, shaking his head as he looked at Leonard. "I put the wrong spice in it, and it is not the right texture." He said, a frown on his face. Leonard in turn frowned, looking at Spock, then to the pan. He thought for a moment before looking back to Spock. "Why are you so upset Spock? It looks fine, and I've never had it before anyway, so I won't know. Plus, this might be the better way to eat it." He said and offered Spock a soft smile, hoping to make him feel better.

"It is not perfect. I wanted...I wanted it to be perfect- we...we have been dating for nearly a month and I wished to celebrate. I wanted to show you how much you mean to me, but I messed it up." Spock said, the frown still on his face. Leonard couldn't help but smile alittle more at his words, taking a step closer to Spock and placing a hand on his cheek.

"Spock, trust me, it's fine. Just the thought is enough- no-one has ever made me food just because they wanted too before. I get it's probably frustrating, but not everything has to be perfect. If everything was perfect, there wouldn't be any excitement." He said gently, kissing Spocks other cheek before removing his hand and turning back to the stove. "Now. I think we should eat this delicious looking food, then cuddle and watch the documentary I found?" Leonard said, grabbing two plates and holding them out for Spock to take.

Spock smiled softly as he took them, nodding gently. He was still annoyed at himself, but seeing Leonard happy regardless was nice. "I promise, I will make it correctly one day." He said before beginning to dish it up. Leonard leaned against the counter and kissed the side of Spocks head. "I'm sure you will."

The musical story of Mr Spock and Dr. Leonard Horatio McCoy.Where stories live. Discover now