I Hope To Learn Not To Run Away

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Song : Arms Unfolding by Dodie
Universe : Original Series

Plot : After much debate with himself, Spock decides to finally ask Leonard out. He is meant by a jumble of worlds followed by the Doctor leaving without an answer. A few days pass before he talks to Leonard again, with a much better outcome.

Triggers : (I don't believe there are any, but if there is and I missed, let me know!)

Relationship : Spock x McCoy (Getting Together)


It takes Spock a good hour before he is ready to go and talk to Leonard. He had been trying figure out what he would say, and nothing seemed to sound quiet right, so eventually he decided he would just make it up as he went. It wasn't something Spock usually did but he could do it. He had done it on several missions and dangerous situations. This time was different though. It was a much more intimate thing, which was one of the reasons he was confused on what to say. Spock didn't often discuss such personal matters, but he felt he owed it to the Doctor.

It had taken a few months for Spock to finally accept that what he felt for Leonard went more than friendship, and another month to finally work up the courage to tell him. It was probably going to go well, even if Leonard didn't want a relationship, they could remain friends. Leonard was good at moving on from things like this, so he had high hopes that whatever the outcome, he and Leonard would still be able to talk to one another.

Spock headed to the Doctors office, knowing he would be there even after his shift had ended an hour ago, as Leonard had a tendency to work later than needed. It was something both him and Jim had tried to stop, and both had failed miserably. Leonards determination was one of the many things he admired about the Doctor.

He soon arrived, and quickly headed into Sick Bay, striding over to the door of Leonards office and pressing the buzzer to comm in. Spock heard a few mutterd curses before finally hearing 'Enter!' as the doors opened. "Hello Doct- Leonard." He said, quickly changing from his usual use of his title to his name. Using Leonards work title seemed less intimate than the situation at hand, and he wanted to do this as best as he could.

Spock stepped into the office and stood with his hands behind his back, Leonard glanced up at the use of his name with a small blush on his face, looking back to his work. "Your not injured are you? Because if not, I'm very busy with these forms." Leonard said, filling a few things out before dropping the pad on the table, turning his head up to properly look at the Vulcan. ,

"No. I am not, but I do have something I wish to discuss with you." Spock said, gesturing to the seat infront of him, warning a nod from Leonard. "Go ahead, what do you wanna talk about? Does Jim need to be forced to have some shore leave again? Because I swear if he is avoiding it I will chuck him of this ship in an escape pod." Leonard said, folding his arms over his chest. Spock smiled slightly at that. "No, the Captian is fine. It is a personal matter that regards you." Spock said, glancing around the room for a moment before looking back at Leonard.

At that, Leonard sat up properly in his seat. Spock look slightly nervous about whatever it was he wanted to discuss, which never meant anything good. "Have I done something Illogical you wish to comment on?" He teased, hoping to ease the clearly tense Vulcan sitting across from him. Leonard hadn't seen spoke seem nervous before- not in this way anyway- and it was both interesting and unerving.

Spock took a deep breath, completely ignoring Leonards comment, and deciding it would be best to get it over and done with. These feelings of anxiety and insecurity were not ones he often felt, and were not ones he wanted to feel for much longer. "I am here to ask you on a date. I have recently realised that I feel for you more than a friend, and am interested in a romantic relationship with you." He said, his usual calm voice ever so slightly fluttering once or twice as he spoke.

Spock kept his eyes on Leonard as he waited for a response. It was a few moments before anything happened, sitting in a slightly awkward silence before Leonard spoke. "I..." He went to say something, but the words seemed to die on his tongue. Spock stayed silent as he waited for the answer to his question, anxiety rising in his chest, an odd feeling he didn't wish to get used too.

After another few moments in silence, Leonard abruptly stood up, taking the padd in his hand and looked at Spock. Spock quickly stood up as the other did, not sure what that meant. "I am going to my quarters." Was all Leonard said before quickly rushing out of the room.

Spock was unsure of what to do. Had he upset Leonard with his admittance of feelings? Or perhaps he was upset at the asking of a date? Whatever had happened, Spock felt that anxiety rise further, quickly heading back to his own room.

It had now been a few days since that incident, and Spock had not spoken to the Doctor since. It wasn't by his doing, but Leonard seemed to be avoiding him like a plague, and it made Spock feel worse about the whole ordeal. If he knew this is what would happened if he broached the subject, Spock would never have admitted such feelings.

His day went smoothly, and soon he had finished his shift, deciding to bypass any invitation from Jim to play chess and head back to his quarters. Spock planned to have a shower and read before getting some sleep, hoping that maybe Leonard would talk to him soon. As if by luck, while thinking of these things to himself, he managed to bump into said man. "Oh- I...I apologise Doctor. I shall let you pass." Spock said quickly, wishing to avoid any awkward conversation, beginning to walk away again. Until he felt a shoulder brush against his.

Spock turned his head to see Leonard walking next to him, making alittle hope appear along side the anxiety. "Is there something I can help you with Doctor?" He asked, assuming there was so experiment or medical probably that he needed help with. Leonard nodded alittle and stoped walked, making Spock stop in his tracks too. "I'm...sorry about the other day." The Doctor said, staring at the wall behind him for a moment before finally sharing eye contact.

"It is fine. I overstepped and made you uncomfortable. It is me who should apologise." Spock said before looking at where he should be walking. "Is there anything else?" He asked, looking back to Leonard. "You didn't overstep Spock- it's more....I wanted to apologise for not giving you an answer...I was- surprised that you asked me on a date- and I panicked alittle. I just hadn't expected that is all. But I'm ready to give you an answer now." Leonard said and smiled alittle nervously up at Spock, fiddling with his fingers alittle.

Spock nodding at his words, preparing himself to be told no. It would be fine, atleast Leonard was speaking him again, even if it would be upsetting he did not return his feelings. "I understand, there is no need to say no. I will not bring the subject up again. I apologise if this has affected our friends-" Spock spoke, keeping his hands clasped firmly behind his back, before being interrupted.

"If you had let me speak, you would know that my answer is yes. I would like to go on a date with you. I assumed jumping to conclusions wasn't logical." Leonard said, a small smirk on his face as Spock blushed, eyes widening slightly. "You...wish to accept my offer?" He asked, now his turn to be surprised.

Leonard nodded and laughed alittle as he looked at Spocks confused face. "Yes, I wish to accept your offer. Now, how about we go and get some food together in the rec Hall? I don't know about you, but I'm starving." Leonard said, now a gentle smile on his face.

Spock couldn't help but smile back, nodding at the suggestion. "That sounds very pleasant Leonard. Though, I find it hard to belive your currently starving." Now it was Spocks turn to smirk.

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