The Normal People Are Extrodinary Too

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Song : Mystery Of Love by Sufjan Stevens
Universe : Kelvin (Set After Everything Happens In Beyond)

Plot : After everything they had been through, a quiet moment together in their temporary apartment was just what they needed. Spock can't help but confess how talented the other is when it comes to the practise of medicine, thanking him for saving his life. Leonard doesn't take the compliment, but Spock makes sure he knows how amazing he is anyway.

Triggers : Scar, Self-Doubt, Mention of Injury

Relationship : Spock x McCoy (Dating)


As they lay in their shared bed, snuggled up close to eachother, Spock and Leonard could finally breath. They could finally relax and not have to worry about being attacked or getting thrown into space. It was nice to have a quiet moment like this together after everything they had been through.

Leonard had his head resting on Spock's chest, a hand gently resting over where his newly aquaired scar was. It still made him upset to look at, though he was happy Spock was only left with a scar, and hadn't been killed. The idea of loosing Spock was one he would rather not think.

Spock glanced, smiling as he looked at Leonard, glad they had both made it out alive. He could tell that Leonard was thinking. Whenever he was thinking, he had this distant stare. "Ashayam, stop thinking. Just enjoy the fact we are home." He said softly, running a hand through the others hair, a small smile on his face. "We are safe." Spock added on, hoping Leonard wasn't beginning to have a panic attack.

It had happened a few times during there time together, usually after something big like this had happened, and Spock knew it could come on suddenly. Leonard had gotten better at being able to tell when one was going to happen, and would usually tell Spock if he felt like it could happen. "Sorry- I know...just- thinking about you.." Leonard eventually said, being pulled away from his thoughts and back into the room with Spock.

Spock nodded alittle, still playing with the Doctors hair. "All good things I hope?" He joked softly, earning a small laugh from Leonard. Spock smiled at that sound. "Just glad I managed to keep you alive..." Leonard whisperd, turning so he was facing up to Spock.

"Well you definitely did, and I am very grateful." He said softly, kissing the top of Leonards forehead. "I had no doubt in your ability." Spock added, smiling gently at the other. Leonard often overthought things like this, and Spock was always here to help him with it.

"I should have done more were in so much pain and....I hated seeing you like that. Plus, now you got this scar..I don't like that I couldn't just fix you up." Leonard said with a frown, glancing back to the scar, his hand hovering over it. Spock looked down at his stomach and gently placed a hand over Leonards.

"Leonard, you are the best Doctor in Starfleet. The fact I only have a scar, and not something much worse is commendable. You did what you could with what you had, and I must admit, I could not help but admire you even while in the pain I was. It was not only impressive, but mesmerising." Spock said, looking back to Leonard, who was still frowning at the scar.

Spock sighed and gently pulled Leonard up so he was looking at him, holding his face gently in his hands. "Listen to me. You are the most extrordinary Doctor on this planet, perhaps even half the planets in the galaxy, you should not be doubting yourself the way you are."

Leonard looked at Spock for a moment before speaking, shaking his head slightly. "I'm not Spock, I'm just a normal Doctor." He said, though the blush on his cheeks did not go unnoticed.

Spock laughed alittle as he kissed the top of Leonards head. "Then you must be the most extrordinary normal Doctor in this entire world."

Leonard laughed softly at the and rest his head back on Spocks chest, a small smile on his face as he placed a hand back over the scar. "I think I like the scar." He said, gently looking back up at Spock. "And why is that?" The Vulcan asked with a knowing smile. "Because, it means your alive."

The musical story of Mr Spock and Dr. Leonard Horatio McCoy.Where stories live. Discover now