1. Nightmare.

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Gentle sunlight bathed the surroundings in a warm glow, breathing life into the otherwise bleak and empty street. The almost deserted road hosted a handful of determined individuals, each moving with a distinct purpose.

"Tara, did you catch what I just said?"

Tara hummed before shaking her head. "Oh, yeah, yeah."

"That's not very convincing."

She chuckled at her mother's mild disapproval. "You give me the same speech every time we talk, Mom. I've got it memorized."


"I'm fine, really," she swiftly interrupted an impending lecture. "I'm always careful and attentive. I neither go nor stay out late. And," she added with a drawl, "I'm excelling in my studies as you can tell from my amazing scores."

Her mother laughed. "My smart baby girl, you're going to be an outstanding pharmacist."

"I know," Tara giggled, a sense of pride enveloping her.

After ending the call, Tara scanned the area around her. Despite her previous nonchalance and annoyance at her mother's repetitive warnings, they were true. It's been years since she started her studies here and, yet, the neighborhood remained underdeveloped, with empty spaces awaiting houses and inhabitants. She pondered the government's reasoning behind establishing a university in such a desolate location which seemed to be a recurring theme with other cities and neighboring countries as well.

The necessity for accommodating large institutions drove the need for new locations to settle in. Thus, cities never ceased to expand, always seeking to spread out and inhabit new areas. However, this rationale didn't justify the glaring absence of patrols and security measures in these areas, especially considering the alarming surge in crime rates.


Quickening her pace, Tara mentally reviewed her tasks and assignments, contemplating upcoming lectures and the neglected dishes at home. Having achieved high scores in her entrance exams, she was celebrated by her village. She was the pride of her family. In turn, she aspired to make a difference and support her community. Her dream, born in her youth, continued to expand as she matured.

With just one year left until her dreams materialized, Tara felt a mix of excitement for the opportunities ahead and a heightened sense of nervousness.

Trying to dispel unnecessary concerns, Tara shook her head. She had a track record of performing well and overcoming challenges. What was the point of dwelling on things yet to unfold? After all, the future remained uncertain, and no one could predict what lay ahead.

The abrupt screech of tires interrupted her thoughts. A car, so dark it swallowed her whole, came to a halt right next to her. There were four passengers. Its driver, a young man sporting sunglasses, sat erect and unbothered, never glancing her way as two men emerged. Before she could comprehend the situation, they ensnared her with an unyielding grip and forcefully dragged her toward the vehicle.

"No, no, no," Tara stammered. "W-wait, let me go. Stop, no! No! Leave me alone-"

Tara bucked, struggled, dug her feet into the ground, and yelled at the top of her lungs. Yet, her desperate screams echoed, falling on deaf ears. Her frantic eyes darted around, in search of a savior, hoping to connect with any of the passersby. 

"Help!" She kept on repeating. "Help me, please. Help!"

No one intervened. No one moved in her direction. No one spared her a second glance. 

Why would they?

It was a recurrent occurrence, after all, a grim reality of the area. Women often faced abduction, assault, and mugging without assistance. They were easy prey. The bystanders remained indifferent, perpetuating a cycle of violence and apathy.

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