4. Freedom?

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The air had never felt so fresh.

It caressed her skin and filled her lungs, shooting an arrow of life through her veins. Her hair danced to the beat of freedom as they dragged her toward the car. Her feet stumbled, weak and drained, trying to keep up with their pace. The blindfold felt as suffocating as it had the first time they bound it around her eyes. Yet, she paid it no mind. 

She was out, at last. 

The door slammed shut with a resounding thud. The metal entrance screeched as it closed. The engine roared to life, and the tires squealed as they hit the road.

This time, however, they didn't follow the same route, and Tara was in no condition to keep track of their turns or their words. She was floating in a haze, awaiting their final destination. Were they planning to kill her and dispose of her body? Or were they going to release her, as they had promised?

The answer came no long after when the car came to an abrupt stop, and she was quickly ushered out and dumped on the sidewalk. They couldn't wait to get rid of her, immediately speeding away while Tara remained seated on the ground, her palms scraped and knees throbbing. 

One heartbeat, two, three, four...twenty-five, twenty-six...

She was free. They let her go.

The reality of her newfound freedom sank in. It was a moment she had prayed for incessantly and desperately, and now it was finally here. So, why did it feel lackluster? Tara couldn't help but wonder if she was truly free.

Her mouth quivered before she shakily reached for the blindfold and removed it. Tears welled up in her eyes at the sudden exposure to the outside world. It was nighttime, darkness enveloping everything in its comforting embrace.

The breeze was gentle as it brushed her sticky cheeks, soothing her aching heart. Rising to her feet, an empty street greeted her roaming gaze. Strangely, Tara felt nothing. What more could happen? The worst had already occurred.

Death? Well, she shrugged, that didn't sound too bad. 

With a deep exhale and a hunched figure, Tara took a tentative step forward before hobbling across the sidewalk, oblivious and indifferent to where she was headed. The muscles in her legs spasmed, and her back complained, yet she pushed on, her steps only faltering in front of a dingy drugstore.

Her eyes latched onto the neon sign outside, almost blinding her, but she couldn't look away as it flickered from an ugly green to an obnoxious hot pink.

Questions swirled on repeat, each one demanding an answer she couldn't provide. What should she do? Where should she go? What happens now?

Unable to settle her mind, she shook her head, trying to dispel the overwhelming flood of emotions threatening to engulf her. It's been blank throughout the walk here. Now, however, everything came crashing down on her, and she was left grasping for a thread of control over her raging thoughts.

Feeling lost and overwhelmed, she took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm of uncertainty within her. Closing her eyes briefly, she focused on grounding herself in the present moment.

First, she entered the store.

Second, she froze.

There stood the shop owner, staring back at her. A lump formed in her throat, and she fumbled for words. But they eluded her, and her voice failed her.

Why was he leering at her? Did he want to kidnap and assault her too? Or, did she simply look like a mess?

The fluorescent lights flickered overhead as Tara stood rooted to the spot, her heart pounding in her chest. Despite her best efforts to steady herself, a wave of panic washed over her, threatening to pull her under. With a trembling hand, she reached out for support, her fingers grasping at the edge of a nearby shelf as she struggled to regain her composure.

"Hey, miss, are you alright?" The man asked, concern furrowing his brows.

Tara blinked, taking in the sight of the white hair covering his head. He reminded her of her father, and she nearly crumpled to the floor when a pang of emotion surged within her.

Mustering some courage, she rasped out, "Mister, where are we? What's this place called?"

The owner shot her a funny look, probably questioning her sanity, before providing her with the appropriate details. Tara staggered forward, gripping the counter tight. She was too far away from her place.

"Do you have a phone?"

"Yes," he hesitated, handing it to her.

Tara could only stare at the device, however. Who should she call? Her family? Call them and say what exactly? Hello, I just got raped? Or, hello, five men raped me for three days?

She was their pride. They had high expectations of her. Hell, she had high expectations of herself. How could she share this with them? With anyone, really? The thought of revealing her ordeal filled her with dread. Shame consumed her, flaring up from her violated private parts and spreading throughout her tainted body. They'd be devastated. The news would ruin them. They had supported her all her life, and she couldn't bear to hurt them like this. She was no longer a virgin, and that fact weighed heavily on her conscience. It wasn't just a blow to her reputation but to her family's as well.

She didn't wish any of that upon them. She loved them too much.

Her hands trembled.

"Are you okay, miss?" The owner spoke gently. "Do you need help?"

Tara cleared her throat, offering him a wobbly smile before checking her handbag for any money. They didn't touch her belongings. Everything was the same as the day they took her. Only her phone's battery had died, alongside her innocence.

"Can you help me call a cab, mister?"


After calling her a friend of his on a night shift, the man smiled, offering her a seat while they waited. Once the cab arrived, he escorted her out. The considerate gesture thawed her frozen heart.

Though the driver wasn't as quiet as the shop owner, his kindness was nonetheless evident. As soon as they slowed to a stop outside the police station, he declined any money and glanced at her through the rearview mirror with warm eyes.

"Stay safe, young lady. Many monsters walk among us in human skin." 

Tara could only nod silently in response, refraining from commenting on the undeniable truth in his words. They were meaningless now as it was something she'd already been aware of but never foresaw experiencing firsthand. Yet, there she was, standing outside the police station. The sight before her echoed the harsh reality she had unexpectedly faced.

Humans often lived in oblivion, shielded from the harsh realities that lurk beneath the surface of society. 

Word count: 1141

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Word count: 1141.

Total word count: 4392.

Tara is finally out! What do you think will happen next? 🤔

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