15. 5/5.

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Tara stumbled into the bathroom. With trembling hands, she gripped the edge of the sink, her knuckles turning white as she struggled to steady herself.

The reflection in the mirror revealed a pale, haunted version of herself, with dark circles under her eyes and a sheen of sweat glistening on her forehead. Her breath came in ragged gasps, and another wave of nausea washed over her, threatening to overwhelm her senses.

With a choked sob, Tara lurched forward, collapsing onto her knees. The acrid scent of disinfectant stung her nostrils as she leaned over the toilet, retching violently. Each heave sent spasms of pain rippling through her body, and she clung to the bowl for support, her entire being consumed by the physical and emotional agony coursing through her.

This had been her routine for nearly two weeks now since Daniel was found dead a few days after he was killed.

Was this her punishment for all the deaths she had caused? 

The question gnawed at her soul, a seed of doubt planted deep within her heart. Tears streamed down her cheeks, mingling with the bile and saliva pooling in the bottom of the toilet. She retched until there was nothing left inside of her but emptiness, her body wracked with exhaustion and despair.

Finally, spent and hollow, Tara crumpled onto the cold tile floor, her breaths coming in shallow, shuddering gasps. She closed her eyes, shutting out the world and the weight of her sins, if only for a moment.

The news blaring in the living room didn't allow her to forget, however. The reporter was recounting the progress of the investigations. 

After an innocent couple stumbled upon Daniel's body on one of their usual treks, the news spread like wildfire while social media blew up. The police could no longer investigate secretly as everyone sought to know every detail and make sense of the crimes. 

Tara found the conspiracy theories entertaining, though.

Pushing herself to her feet, she washed away the traces of her tears and the lingering taste of bile.

"Why does this keep-"

The reporter's voice interrupted her. 

"...an alarming period had passed but the authorities are yet to find anything..."

Tara blinked, slowly turning around and numbly stumbling toward her phone. After checking the calendar, she sank to the floor, realization hitting her like a ton of bricks. She had been too consumed with anger and her quest for retribution to pay attention to anything else. She hadn't even entertained the possibility of that happening.

"Oh, fuck."

Ethan Barlowe, Alex Everett, Nathan Anderson, and Daniel Mitchell fell prey to Tara's schemes with surprising ease

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Ethan Barlowe, Alex Everett, Nathan Anderson, and Daniel Mitchell fell prey to Tara's schemes with surprising ease. She couldn't help but ponder whether men, in general, were susceptible to such seduction and deception, or if it was a trait specific to these four individuals. All it took was a touch of makeup and a generous amount of exposed skin to lure them in.

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