Trivia and Aesthetics:

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Some claim that, in Turkish, the name means beautiful flower.

In Sanskrit, it means star or pupil of the eye. In Irish Gaelic, it is derived from the Hill of Tara, an ancient royal site in Ireland. It is believed to mean rock or hill.

In Kurdish,  it means "the shawl worn by the bride on her wedding night or what she adorns herself with"/"the piece of white fabric that the bride wears on her wedding day", "bridal veil" and the ornaments worn on the head. It also has another meaning: "radiant star" or "cheerful girl"

Weirdly enough, in Kurdish, Tara also means "Gallows."


INTJs are often characterized as strategic planners who are driven by a strong sense of justice and a desire for efficiency. They tend to be independent, analytical, and focused on long-term goals, which aligns with Tara's meticulous planning and determination to seek revenge. Additionally, INTJs are known for their ability to remain composed under pressure and their inclination towards logical decision-making, traits that Tara demonstrates throughout her pursuit of justice.

INTJs are likely to "gaze into the abyss" because they desire knowledge and they are naturally curious. As such, the abyss can also gaze back into them. How deeply they gaze and how much damage it may do is up to the sort of unique individual they happen to be.

INTJs are likely to give you one chance and one chance only to screw around with them. After that, you will never be forgiven, or forgotten, but you will probably be excised completely from their lives mentally as if you had never existed. You are "dead" to them.

If you manage to get one visibly angry, you'll probably never see anything else like it. They can be like that volcano nobody thought would ever erupt. Luckily, it often takes a lot of pushing to get such a response from an INTJ. They are not given to outbursts.



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1. The title refers to Tara falling once, rising to her feet, fighting back, and refusing to fall once again.

2. Tara was chosen as her name for its meanings: bridal veil, which signifies purity/chastity, and beautiful flower to fit in with the petals part of the title. Tara is also a nod to the real-life girl's name who went through all of this.

3. Yes, trust me, this was a real story and the girl murdered all four of them while the last one went crazy. Annnnd, she did get away with everything. In the end, she traveled abroad to have her child in another foreign country.

4. The five guys' names were picked at random. I initially wasn't going to name them at all. Then, I found it'd be troublesome and confusing to keep talking about them vaguely.

5. The main events: the kidnapping, how the girl tracked her location, the police/lawyer dismissing her, each revenge, escaping the police, her loving crime fiction and using that to help her plot everything, her pregnancy, and her getting away and traveling. Every other detail and conversation was from me, obviously.

6. The letter at the end was originally shorter. It was something along the lines: "Hi, I'm the one that got raped. They ruined me and my dreams. I passed my judgment and killed them. Despite everything, I finished my studies and graduated. When you get my letter, I'll be on the plane, traveling far away, pregnant with a child whose father idk. I won't be coming back..." That was it. I turned it into a full-on essay xD

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