Chapter 94

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"I like seeing your clothes in my closet." Rosalie said later that afternoon while she was packing for her trip with Bella. "It feels like a glimpse into the future when we are finally done with all this Edward and Volturi nonsense and can finally be a normal couple just spending their lives together."

Bella zipped up her garment bag. "Yup, just a regular couple of immortals cohabitating."

Rosalie put her arms around Bella's neck. "I've waited decades to meet you, so it should be of no surprise that I want us to start living our lives together as soon as possible."

Bella placed her hands on Rosalie's hips. "We can't get to far ahead of ourselves. I still have high school to finish and I doubt Charlie would approve of us living on our own even if we can afford to support ourselves."

Rosalie threw her head back dramatically and groaned. "It would be so much easier if he understood our bond. Then we could happily live together. I would even be willing to live with him. It wouldn't matter as long as you are there."

"I know sweetheart. We've been lucky that we have been able to be together so much. It will definitely get harder when we have to go back to school and I go back to Charlie's."

Rosalie frowned. "Please don't bring that up, I'm trying to ignore that either of those things are actually going to happen."

Bella kissed Rosalie's forehead."Maybe I'll ask Billy his opinion on telling Charlie."

"Really?"Rosalie asked surprised.

"You're right. It would be easier for us if he knew. It almost seems silly that we have to pretend to be teenage sweethearts and follow normal human rules when it comes to dating." Bella told her.

Rosalie pouted. "You don't want to be my sweetheart?"

Bella chuckled. "Of course I want to be your sweetheart. It's just seems ridiculous that here we are the great white tiger and her imprint and we can't even share a bed together. Who are we even pretending for?"

Rosalie sighed. "I'm with you on this but you need to think about the repercussions. Your father may love you but you never know how someone will react."

"That's why I want to talk to Billy." Bella said.

Rosalie looked at her watch. "We need to get going if we are going to make it to Seattle in decent time. I don't want to hit traffic, especially since you refuse to tell me where we are staying or what we are doing tonight."

Bella gave her a kiss. "I wanted to surprise my sweetheart."

Rosalie smiled picking up her suitcase and headed out of her room towards the hall. "You do offer the best surprises."

"For you, I try." Bella said holding the front door open for her to pass.

Rosalie rolled her eyes when she spotted a sulking Emmett and Alice in front of the garage. "I'm not dealing with you two again."

"We didn't say anything." Emmett grumbled.

"Yeah, we just wanted to say goodbye and remind you that gifts would be appreciated." Alice said.

"What are you five?" Rosalie asked. "You know you aren't our children, right?We don't have to bring you back trinkets from our travels."

"We know we aren't children. We are just saying if you see something cool that you think either of us would like don't hesitate to get it for us." Alice told her.

Bella put the bags in the trunk. "I think that sounds very reasonable."

Rosalie raised an eyebrow as she held the passenger side door open for Bella. "You need to stop indulging them. You are the reason they are this way, you do know that right? They can buy themselves whatever they want. You don't need to keep getting them stuff. Especially since I have yet to see a receipt from their shopping trip this morning. "

Emmett cleared his throat and sent Alice a panicked look. "Yeah, anyway, you guys should get going and we will make sure you get that receipt as soon as you come home."

Rosalie watch as the two rushed towards the woods to no doubt get as far away from her as they could. As she shut Bella's door and made her way to the driver's side she vowed to get that receipt as soon as possible

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