Chapter 7

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Much to Alice's dismay she never got the chance to talk to Bella. She had thought she had the opportunity at lunch when she saw her rush outside and sag onto a bench to maybe see if she was aright, but the bell rang before she could. Even though she wanted to talk to her for selfish reasons she was still concerned that Bella had seemed so distraught.

After school the Cullens hung out in the parking lot each hoping to see Bella one last time for different reasons. Emmett wanting to catch a glimpse of what he hoped would be a new friend to liven up his family's lives. Edward wanting to see if he could find out any information to prove his point that she was dangerous. Alice because maybe just maybe she hoped to be able to talk to her new best friend.

Jasper wanted to make sure nothing bad would happen between his siblings. The amount of anger and excitement was putting him on edge. He was prepared to break up any fights and possibly restrain any of them if this got truly out of hand.

As Bella made her way to her car she looked up and made eye contact with Alice much to Alice's delight. Alice gave her a big smile and waved. Bella returned the wave but not as enthusiastically with a look of bewilderment on her face. That didn't bother Alice as this was the first step to having her best friend in her life.

"Please, as if she would want to be your friend if she knew what monsters we all are." Edward scoffed reading Alice's thoughts.

Alice put a hand on Jasper's arm as he took a threatening step towards Edward. "I don't care what you think let's just go home and have our meeting. The others are waiting for us."

The ride home was a quiet one in both cars as each vampire was lost in their own thoughts trying to figure out the best arguments to get their way. That there would be arguing was a given fact at this point.

Hearing the cars pull up to the garage made Rosalie stop mid pacing in the living room. The excitement of being able to know anything about her mate just slightly beat out the feelings of anger towards the fight that was no doubt going to take place between herself and Edward.

Silently they sat down at the dining room table that served as their meeting place for all family discussions. Carlisle seated at one end, Esme at the other with Emmett, Rosalie and Alice on one side and Edward and Jasper on the other.

Edward was of course the first to speak. "I think this is silly to even have a discussion. The girl is dangerous and a threat to this family. She is to be investigated as we need to find out why none of our gifts work on her. After we do I feel the obvious thing to do is eliminate the threat and move on."

Emmett was just in time to wrap his arms around Rosalie as she launched herself across the table at Edward. "Shut your fucking mouth Edward. I can't even start to explain how many things were wrong with that. I have half a mind to let Rosalie loose to rip your head off. Hell, I might even help her build the fire."

Edward didn't even blink as he knew no one would allow him to be harmed. "Is this about her silly belief that Bella is her mate?"

"Bella? Her name is Bella?" Rosalie whispered with a small smile on her face.

"Well her name is Isabella but she prefers Bella. He father is Chief Swan, she was homeschooled and she moved here yesterday. That was about all I could find out." Alice excitedly provided.

"Oh you forgot to mention she eats like a bear!" Emmett said laughing. " I think from now on I'm going call her Bella bear because of all the food she can eat."

"She's Chief Swan's daughter you say? So she is an albino then?" Carlisle said thoughtfully.

"Yes why do you ask?" Rosalie asked as she was finally cooled off enough to sit back down.

"Well the Chief came in to ask me about what it was like to be albino as he had just found out he had a daughter that suffered from the condition. Apparently he had never known she existed until she contacted him. He was concerned that she may have problems and he wanted to be prepared to help. The man was extremely happy finding out he had a daughter. He was excited to know everything he could. It was obvious he had already loved her even though he hadn't even met her yet." Carlisle added the last bit with a smile.

"Do you know anything about the mother?" Esme asked.

"Not much other than she never told Bella who Charlie was until about a year ago when he came in to see me."Carlisle told her.

"How awful not knowing who your father is." Esme replied slightly dismayed at the thought of a child not knowing their parent.

"Enough of this craziness!" Edward's slightly raised voice interrupted. "I don't care who her mother and father are! This girl is a threat to us and she needs to be dealt with!"

"That's enough!" Rosalie screamed at him. "If you so much as look in her direction I will tear you limb from limb and make you watch each part burn before I finish you off. You will stay away Bella. She is my mate and I will do anything I have to do to eliminate any threat to her. If you became a threat I won't hesitate for a second to cause you pain."

Edward looked around the room in surprise as he saw his siblings all nodding their heads in agreement. He turned to Carlisle. "You aren't going to let her get away with speaking to me like that are you?!"

"One of the main traits of being mated is protecting your mate. While I would hope it won't come to that, Rosalie's instincts demand she protect Bella. Her methods are her own. I just hope it won't came to violence." Carlisle replied.

"I am to be respected! If I feel this girl is a threat then we need to act. I won't sit around while you all let us to be targeted by this human. This delusion you all have about her being Rosalie's mate needs to stop and you all need to open your eyes, because I will not allow this danger to continue to exist!"

That was all it took for not only Rosalie but Emmett to attack Edward sending him through the wall out to the lawn. The rest of the family followed quickly to try and stop things from turning deadly.

Jasper was torn between protecting Edward and allowing his siblings to beat some sense into him. It was only for Alice's sake that he stopped it from turning deadly but he might have been a little slow on purpose so they could get a few shots in. It was only when an arm went flying that he put in the proper effort to settle things down.

Jasper stood in front of a screaming Edward holding his shoulder near where his arm should of been while Carlisle and Esme were holding back Rosalie. Alice looked concerned but just as pissed off as Emmett and almost as much as Rosalie. It was only with the threat of Jasper that Emmett stopped his attack and things started to settle down.

Alice walked over and grabbed Edward's arm from where it was flung to and handed it back to him. He quickly licked the end of the limb covering it in venom so he could reattach it.

Edward seemed to have gotten some of his confidence back as he realized nothing more was going to happen to him as he sneered at Rosalie. "You think you can get away with this. That I will forget how you have treated me?! This isn't over. You won't have your protectors with you all the time."

"Edward that's enough! Go to your room!" Esme yelled at him making him stalk off towards the house. " Rosalie and Emmett you two go cool off and go hunt. Don't come back until you've settled down. Alice, Jasper keep an eye on Edward." The need protect him from Rosalie was left unsaid but noted.

Everyone took off to their expected destinations leaving Carlisle and Esme to wonder if their family would be able to work through this or if they were on their way to losing their son.

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